If Kamala Harris joined nostr you'd be sucking her off. Don't lie to me.
Oh I would go so hard. Part of the reason I was banned from X.
It'd be cool to get Satoshi to join. I doubt he'd care enough. He'd read my shitposts half smiling like this https://www.coindesk.com/resizer/sTiex_9EU0AsmiNcnWxpfBrENls=/567x363/filters:quality(80):format(jpg)/cloudfront-us-east-1.images.arcpublishing.com/coindesk/4E3UOKO455E2TNCRCPANBMGZ2E.jpg
Nah, I want the original brat (and reddit power mod). https://video.nostr.build/2ae6ff4253fe312e975e64499f6d9a7fa69c1ad9290930a4327d989b57ebe394.mp4