Oddbean new post about | logout
 So, I got my dad into one of the short term rehabs on my list of 4. 3 days, 5  geriatric social workers, 1 nurse, 1 doctor, an email, multiple phone calls and 5 texts. I was nice, funny and RELENTLESS. All of these people were unmasked, I might add. 🙄 
 @3967703f absolutely insane that people at a nursing home / rehab center would be unmasked. Same with schools. COVID rampages through those spaces. Greatly improved HVAC could be a way to partially maybe significantly mitigate that but well that would cost money spent on people not contributing to the economy right now and we can't have that. 🤬 
When my mom was in a rehab place the new guy across the hall had Covid and they stood there talking with his wife for 1/2 hour, with *the door open.* They donned PPE *with the door open,* and one had her mask under her nose. I was going to take her out for a drive that day, then decided she was doing well enough to come back home. She's not going to be around much longer (she's 94), but damned if she gets Covid when it could have been prevented. 
 @3967703f Hope they are able to help your dad and he is out of there quick.