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 This Trump assasination attempt looks staged. If so, I saw this happen once before before an election in Taiwan. It is known as the 319 "attempted assasination" event that got the then current corrupt president, Chen Shui-bian, who was losing in the polls, re-elected. 

The official story was that Chen was grazed by a bullet from a homemade gun. Many people, including myself, believe it to have been a staged assasination attempt designed to get him reelected. It worked. He was later convicted on corruption charges and served time.

Watching this video, I have many questions.

Who gets shots fired at them and stops to poke their head out and pump a fist at the crowd? What EP agents would allow a mark to do that? Why didn't the crowd behind him drop to the ground or try to run? 

Looking forward to finding out more details as they are released.

 He told them to “wait, wait” to get a fist pump in. That was what got my eyebrow raised. 
 Athletes in sports after taking a major hit often try to tell the crowd they are ok or alive as they are taken off the field.  So Trumps similar action to his crowd very much appears legit to me. 
 It’s possible. I’m just remaining skeptical about everything until we know more. 
 It doesn't matter what the mark wants to do. It is the job of SS and EP agents to take control and remove the mark from the scene as soon as it is safe to do so. It usually takes time to declare an active scene safe. The fact that he got up, fist pumped posing for the camera and crowd within a minute of shots fired is highly unusual. The reason being, that there could be other shooters/attackers. However, I am not a wackjob conspiracy theorist, so I look forward to more details as they become available. 
 1.  Trump probably tells the secret service what to do.  And they listen even reluctantly sometimes.
2.  The FBI is going to be the investigators so they will make up any bullshit they want.  3 letter agencies are all deepstate controlled.  They will make up whatever situation they choose. 
 A blonde woman in a cap in the audience behind him drops very quickly. Initially though she was shot too. Reserving judgment too though. 
 He already had the election on lock...why would he need an assassination attempt? 
 I see multiple scenarios:

1. A crazy person with TDS tries to take him out.

Years of propaganda and fear mongering getting to someone's head, until they finally snap. 

2. Deep state attempts to take him out.

Trump is too destabilizing to their power, and must be delt with. 

3. He put a fake hit on himself to rile up the base.

Creating this illusion will further empower him as the hero fighting against a corrupt system, that he is part of. 
 Obviously 2, like the Kennedy brothers. But number 1 will be the explanation. A lone, crazy gun man. 

The Rothschilds are discontent. But there's always a backup plan. 
 A fake hit with real rifle bullets, though?

At a 130m outdoors, a light breeze the wrong way would have sent that bullet through Trump's eye 
 If it was a real bullet that hit him, then yeah, it wouldn't make sense for it to be a fake hit. However, that's assuming he did get hit by a bullet. 
 Reminds me of this guy:

 And after that the competition for the presidency ended  
 Same thing with Chen Shui-bian. It happened ONE DAY before he was going to lose reelection. The event got him reelected. He went to jail for corruption after his second term. 
 I have a few thoughts:

First, you can see people in the crowd duck in the video. Their reaction time isn’t very good, but a big events people can be slow to react due to confusion and a desire to not stand out from the crowd. It’s very clear they got down in the front on video:

Second, while I do believe your theory has some possibly of being true, it would be a weird tactic for someone who is the consensus front runner and whose opponent is a sitting president with dementia. Bidens own team is turning on him, so to pull a risky stunt like that would be a very strange move in my opinion.

Third, Trump is likely not thinking when he fist-pumps. If this were a real situation and not staged, there would likely be a lot of adrenaline which would be making his decisions turn into fight or flight reactions. Since there is no one to really fight, aggressively standing up and celebrating not being dead makes a lot of sense.

 Makes sense too 
 All very possible. There are just not enough angles and details at this point. However, I do know from years of executive protection training that we are trained to shield the mark and remove them from the scene as quickly as possible. You do not allow the mark to say, hold on, let me get my shoes, then fist pump and pose for photos before doing this. The reason for this is that there could be another active shooter. This is basic stuff. Get the mark to safety. Do not allow them to stop for a photo op. Either way, looking forward to more details as they become available. 
 Me too. 

I’ll add that there is historical precedent for people abandoning some training during situations like this. And - if this was a deep state, premeditated attempt - there is always the possibility that they strayed from protocol intentionally, to allow for another opportunity.

No way to know for sure without more information. 
 I agree almost wholly  with Zach. 

There needs to be some pause here. 

Has fake of a fake of a… kinda vibes 
 Except secret service is shouting Shooter is down just before Trump is rising. 
 This was also my first thought. Getting shot in the hear is incredibly lucky plus stopping for a great campaign photo is sus.
This "attempt" secures his win most likely.
 Yeah, I immediately thought that this was a staged setup. 😂 
 I asked here about a week ago why Biden's team and the CIA still haven't staged an attempt to assassinate him. Trump's team reads Nostr 🤣 
 Cope about what? 
 The “sus”, the “incredibly lucky.”

Just go on the record.  Do you think he was shot in the ear by someone who wanted to kill him?  Or do you think this was set up as a “photo op”? 
 The latter. But I don't care either way, I don't even live there. 
 He was already ahead in the polls 

Try again 
 Being ahead in the polls is  not a guaranteed win. 
 The risk isn’t worth the reward

A far left extremist is far more likely  
 This is legit a possibility. 
 So the guy who had an overwhelming lead in the polls & who had already been attacked by the media for the entire time he was in office, & more than once via a weaponized "justice" system, would fake being shot at, & kill a crowd member in the process... To further bolster his lead? Come on... really?

To believe that you'd probably have to be crazy enough to think a man could become a woman 🙄

 I would have to think that that is not a fake shot, especially when it actually graves his ear. You know a half an inch he would’ve been he could’ve been dead. 
 It was really important to murder some innocent people in the audience because they knew it would make it more believable 🙄🤦🏻‍♂️ 
 More information is coming available now. I wrote this post as the first video was breaking, saying I was looking forward to more details as they become available. Follow the timeline friend. 
 ☠️☠️☠️ Jeff coming with some heat 
 TDS is a helluva drug 
 It's not just about getting elected, but having such vehement support that Trump has the mandate to do anything he wants when in office. 

They can also fake people's deaths and have paid actors as "witnesses". There is plentiful evidence that this is what took place at the "Boston Bombing".  
 So suddenly the deep state is working for Trump instead of against him? 
 The deep state/media rigged the election for Biden. Now it is changing the narrative to him being mentally unfit to be in office. Similarly, the deep state is now working with Trump despite working against him before. I think that's possible although I won't pretend I know every detail.

Interesting that you didn't rebut my claim about the Boston Bombing.  
 I think the Boston Bombing was faked. I think Sandy Hook was faked. But I think it was faked by the same people attacking Trump for the last 8 years, & he openly attacked them too. They have also tried to kill & oust multiple popular presidents in the past. 
 That's fair. You might be right. 🤝 
 Sir I need all your Bitcoin. You're not allowed to say Sandy Hook was faked. Free speech isn't allowed here. 
 I don't think it's so much that the deep state now works for Trump, but more so that Trump could be part of the deep state.

We all know where in the middle of an information warfare, with psy-op on top of psy-op. 

Would it be far fetched for the deep state to partake in a decade long plan to psychologically subvert the population that is most distrustful of them, by building up the Trump narrative?

Personally, I don't think it is. 

Just like I don't believe it to be far fetched that Trump could be a threat to the deep state's power structure, forcing their hand in attempting to murder him. 
 You, are brainwashed 
 What makes you say that? 
 They really do believe both. It's why they watch MSNBC and consider themselves informed.  
 You can attack the idea without attacking the person. I also think it's a stretch, but this theory is circling fast. My brother is more liberal and online a lot. He was saying the same thing to me moments after it happened. If I'm staging this, I'm not shooting near my head. Also, he might be lucky to be alive; he made a sudden head movement to the side that prevented him from getting hit directly to the skull 
 💯 Shows the OP reposter's character. Still not sure why they follow me. Anyway, as I said:
 Obvious spook is obvious & is a core dev...

 What his talking head tilt tick saved his life 
 also she is a liar and often wrong, and really got cut up when i pointed out her being wrong about things (like firefox, for example) 
 Trump has been vocal about abolishing CBDCs and recently even turning around to support Bitcoin.

The deep state in most western countries are 100% against Trump since 8 years back, which has been demonstrated by the constant demonization, lies and gaslighting. Having observed this propaganda in Swedish and Norwegian media has demonstrated how global and coordinated this deep state operation has been.

CBDCs are essential for the totalitarian UN Agenda 21 and its next milestone Agenda 2030.

ESG, DEI, carbon allowances, Net Zero, energy rationing and social credit scores will all be easier to implement when CBDCs are in place.

Tyranny requires CBDCs, which is why tyrants hate Bitcoin. The deep state is in absolute conflict with any candidate that opposes CBDCs. 

Indeed, the propaganda operation is coordinated and global. But then again, it's obviously not the demoncrats that are behind it but the globalist cabal that controls them.

Europe is completely captured and any way out seems to depend on what happens in America. The populations are mostly too brainwashed and docile to be able to resist. 
 Yeah I think being a sexual predator means trustworthiness goes to zero in my book 
 So you are a sexual predator?
If I can type it, it must be true in your book. 
 Nah I’m into court judgements 
 GFY @Ava and I mean it the mean way 
 Trump might not have got murdered today but the Dunning-Kruger troon camp just took a casualty.  🤣 

 Giving the quoted person a benefit of the doubt as it happens in many countries to gain voter sympathy. 

Like OP, was skeptical at first but after watching the video, not so. #Trump

 "Shoot me in the ear, but not in the head please" is not a thing people actually say in real life.  Not sure he was shot at all, but still.

 I don't know man, I'm just glad he's okay.

- looking at it from @Ava points, there are things that stood out.
- though I agree with you, Trump has no reason to stage a shooting, there is no motive.

Hmm.. maybe it was staged by the opposition to look like it's staged but it's not? I'm reading too much into this. 
 Rewarched to whole video, that does not look staged to my (albeit untrained) eyes.
The SS also reacted by the book. 
 You know, I tried to look past the trans attention whoring, the bullshit ad hominem attacks, and the threats of doxxing. The signal was strong, so I tolerated the noise. Live and let live, and all that. Yeah, that was a mistake.  
 What did you think would happen when the Left at every turn painted Trump as the biggest threat to our country?  

I'm not a Trump fanboy but making America Great / Strong is actually a good thing.   The guy won't play "The Game" and it's obviously all the retoric from the left needs to stop.

Trump will be the next President.  He is lucky....but he is a shoe in now.

And the left will keep spreading the rhetoric... 
 “The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist”—Charles Baudelaire 
 I know quite well that evil exists 
 Did you guys know RFK Jr. Had a gaining lead on Trump. 
 Probably was staged. Not likely in the way he thinks, but staged? Sure. 
 Not to say it is out of the realm of possibilities for a politician to stage an assassination attempt.

But if you are winning in every poll against someone who is senile, would you attempt something very difficult to pull off, high risk and potentially back-fired?  
 Agree. I think the bots took over social and people jumped on this idea that it was staged because bot sentiment said so. 
 Been trying to say the same to the normies in my life.  

 Left wing nut job take 
 On a 1-10 scale, how much do you think your opinion of Trump is affecting your opinion of the video? 
 This is my initial observation coming from my years of executive protection training. Bias is definitely a thing. Trump is a liar and a criminal. Though it wouldn't be the first time I had to protect someone with my life that I completely disagreed with. That's the nature of EP. I am still looking at the evidence as it is released. I have no definitive conclusion at this time.  
 One thing I do know for sure is that the DNC will be using this event as another reason to try and take away or further limit civilian firearms.

 "trump is a liar and a criminal"..... Bruh, everyone is a criminal if you look hard enough, and I'm sure you've never lied.  
 Bruh. He's also a xenophobic racist that keeps trying to take away women's right to abortion, lgbtq healthcare, gay marriage and more. Or has he changed over the past four years? I doubt it. I'm a libertarian. Not a faketarian. 
 Nobody stages a "fake assassination attempt" on their own head, on live TV, it wasn't a fake bullet because people got caught in the crossfire and died.  
 More information is coming available now. I wrote this post as the first video was breaking, saying I was looking forward to more details as they become available. Follow the timeline. 
 After 5 hours to reflect , what would you say your number was on that 1-10 scale? 



I have not changed my position. I expected this.
 *something like 
 So... 1? 
 A number is a broad brushstroke. I have bias. I remember Trump before he became a politution as a shamed shady business tycoon hanging out on Epstein's island. I don't like him as a human being, and I don't think he's a good commander-in-chief. That said, the four year spokespeople for the controlling elite matter less than the unelected lifetime position controlling elite. Still waiting for more details to be released. I am a libertarian. Why do you keep asking? 
 Only because you didn't answer. Appreciate the other details though  
 Yeah, that should have been clear my last two replies. I don't play mind games with randos on the internet. I'm sure you can understand. 
 All assassination attempts should be investigated to the fullest extent by multiple parties 🤙 
 I wouldn't bring up 319 with what happened with Trump. There's video, victim, shooter, and bullets in this case. What happened with President Chen is whole can of worms no one knows anything about till this day. That rabbit hole is deep

It's simple really, like Chen's camp said "if it's staged then go try it yourself".

Lots of people wanted to see President Chen dead, look no further than the conditions he was locked up in 🥹

President Chen was a guy that wanted to change the system (i.e. pursue Taiwanese self-determination) using the rules of the system (constitution of Republic of China) -- looking back, it was never going to work out for him. 


He's an inspiring character despite his wrongdoings, personal hero of mine till this day.  

 "So here's the deal bro. Our guy is already ahead in the polls but we need to make sure it's a slam dunk.  Climb up on that roof with this rifle and take a few pot shots at him BUT MAKE SURE YOU ONLY GRAZE HIM. Its okay if you take out a couple bystanders. when its over were going to have to brain you but thanks for taking one for the team".   Seems legit.  
 They have no rational capacity whatsiever.

The idea of intentionally grazing the ear of a person with a bullet, when that person is turning his head every now and then, just to improve the ratings of the leading candidate who is competing against a tragically demented candidate who can't formulate coherent sentences, is absurd.

 Always good to be suspicious,  but no 
 It looks staged because it took place on a stage. 
 Seems like this is a knee jerk reaction and way premature. Gather information and then come back with a clear head and real evidence that this is staged if you actually believe that.