Make marrying when you're young and dumb and full of... hope... great again. Broke people marrying is underrated.
"Love covers a multitude of sins."😃🫂👍😆
I would also apply this same principle to having children (after getting married).
Disagree, I hope people learn more about themselves and the world so they can pass down those learnings (I’ve witnessed this in modern American families and the anecdotal results are starkly different on the same people in the same environment)
The people who delay marriage so they can have a career and sow their oats are making a huge mistake, but those that marry early just because they feel they should are also making a big mistake. Get married when you find the right person, whether that is young or old. The person and the commitment are what is important, not the timing.
Married my wife when I was broke. Its 6 years later, we love each other even more, and Bitcoin fixed the money problem. Bullish on growing together.