> If you're willing to ignore the fact, that these rich people are rich, because of government contracts
They aren't. Capital attracts capital, as having a larger starting capital enables to perform larger investiments and obtain larger returns than those who have less money. The goverment is but another client in this regard, and like all other consumers, it can be compelled to spend money.
> that are predicated on a condition, that the recipient sends the money back
You state that, but the fact that that the money flows mostly from the bourgeois to politics, with the bourgeois holding the largest amount of money, says otherwise.
Why do you keep separating the two groups?
Andrej Babiš
Our biggest politician superstar.
Property: 75 billion czk
Owns companies AGABSY, a.s. and Nadace AGROFERT.
And while he was Prime minister, he did send money to his own company.
It wasn't his money that allowed him to send nations money to himself, it was his position as politician.
Sorry jako.
@1b150101 You yourself talked as if they were different subjects in the thread, and while there is overlap, most of the bourgeois aren't politicians
No, but all politicians are bourgeois with extra power, who go to the bourgeois clubs.