Health effects of weed laid bare: Marijuana is behind 3 in 10 schizophrenia cases, can be a death sentence in pregnant users, but Biden STILL wants to ease restrictions on the drug What a line of Bullshit.
@d4f294ac it isn't the gov's job to stop it
I agree. This article is sloppy, Marijuana is a plant, THC is the active compound. No one I know has ever had an adverse reaction. THC is another story, edibles and other products could have an adverse effect on some.
@d4f294ac This is brought to you by.? Pfizer? Jule? Camel ?? No weed does not cause skitzoid behaviour. THC is linked to it CBD cures skitzoid . Which is most likely caused by petro chemicals used in fertilizers and in our food . Don’t blame the lords lettuce . Eff off with your “facts”