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 Culture matters more than IQ, and the trends are not in Zionism's favour.  
 No culture doesn't matter more than IQ. Low IQ people cannot run a democracy and require a dictatorship to be ruled. That's the only reason they are lowering the general IQ..Culture is being wiped out anyway because the only power will be in the hands of the oligarcs controlling the stupids 
 Low IQ people can't stage-manage a modern kabuki-theatre "representative democracy", its true.

But that appears to be an inferior model to both dictatorship and democracy - look around at the non-USA West. 
 The issue started more than 60 years ago. The European democracies were great..now through drugs, messy childhood and stress people IQ dropped to the point that people cannot survive without an external help. The result is a fake democracy controlled by the same families forever. And people like that because they can not longer survive without those rulers 
 Facts, unfortunately.

Original-flavour Classically-Liberal West is dead, and modern successor states are populated by dependents mostly unable to organise themselves in even basic ways without a hierarchy using compulsion.

The wheels will fall off sooner or later, but what emerges from the pupae of crisis may not be recognizably Western. 
 I bet cities will turn into nightmare without infrastructure and services. Those living in the country will figure out and create local groups to protect themselves. Same in the USA. At the end the high IQ people will adapt and survive. As usual