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 And for example I've pushed doctors on this, theyll in the same covid-infested air claim "well bone health, cardiovascular health is why we we wont oopherectomy",

 while inhaling BA 2.86's farty leftovers & spitting them all over their own patients without a fuck given.

Its not about that. 

Covid is worse for those things than not having 《Ovaries that exacerbate PMDD , PCOS, and endometriosis》

Women are NOT Cattle, you Cis Het Patriarchal Christian fucks. 

#Incels #misogyny #feminism #Nazis 
 Its fucking patently obvious when these arguments are denuded of their well intended rhetoric that, as @8388665a has said, anti-abortion (and imo even anti-methofuckingtrexate) medical norms are intended as anti-liberational, patriarchal, and reprehensibly fly in the face of the four pillars of medical ethics: 

Autonomy, Beneficence, Non-maleficence, and Justice. 
 @46cd5609 All of this exactly! So so well said 🔥. I feel a little less alone reading it after an upsetting thing today. I got a call from a pharmacist who wouldn’t fill someone’s testosterone until they heard from our clinic the person had a neg pregnancy test. I’m so so sick of ppl pretending shit like this is some form of compassionate paternalism as opposed to purely a desire to control AFAB bodies & dictate gender/sex. I’m so so tired of seeing people treated this way. 
 @9c039ef1 Agreed and Ive ran into the testosterone situation as well when I was trying to get it filled during the pandemic for an Indigenous person whose doctor had died. 

They are retraumatizing already morally &  spiritually injured people in the name of the Smiling Patriarchy. 
 @46cd5609 Yup. Fuck the system.

I'm sure I'll bitch about this many times…but I still hold a grudge over the PA at NCSU Student Health *refusing* to prescribe Tazorac for me, for painful (and fugly...no small thing for self-image) cystic acne that nothing else worked on, because it's Category X and "do no harm." 

I was on birth control.

I was also not fucking any menfolks at the time.

...she didn't believe me about the second part and used the first *against me*. 


My OB would. I would be on E until I could find a psych and endo willing to guide me on transitioning. At least she is worth her pay. 
 @34e2cb20 glad to hear!