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 Guess what everyone, Coracle is getting a redesign! nostr:nprofile1qqs8hhhhhc3dmrje73squpz255ape7t448w86f7ltqemca7m0p99spgpzamhxue69uhky6t5vdhkjmn9wgh8xmmrd9skctcpzemhxue69uhk2er9dchxummnw3ezumrpdejz7qgcwaehxw309anxjmr5v4ezumn0wd68ytnhd9hx2tchfhljx  has put together some 🔥 mockups for me, but before falling down that rabbit hole I wanted to run it by my users and the #nostrdesign  community. You can find the Figma below, along with some screenshots as well.

The goal for the re-design is to:

- Make using Coracle friendlier and more intuitive
- Make it look like it wasn't designed by an engineer
- Solve some complex UX issues, like custom feeds, nested modals, forms, etc.

Some questions I currently have:

- Is there too much uppercase text?
- Are the menus intuitive?
- Is it pretty? Is there anything you hate?


 Looks pretty! But I think the  sidebars in pic 2  and 3 seem like they take a bit too much space. Maybe if they where narrower, or just one sidebar with a tree? 
 The idea is to take advantage of the whole viewport, keeping a column not too wide (~70 characters) for the content to have good readability. I had thought of an option to collapse the first sidebar and show it only with icons (which I would like to use elsewhere, too). Thanks for resurrecting this idea!

Then, like you can see in the Figma, there is also a "zen mode", where you see only the main content and the menu is dimmed. 
 Sex 🔥  
 Love it, really enjoying coracle.  
 Dope .. waiting ..  
 This looks awesome 🔥 
 Please don't. I love it as it is. 
 It's going to be even amazinger. Static mockups can't do it justice — I had reservations at first but even after the few changes I've done in development I'm really happy with the changes! 
 Share your impressions

 Those otherwise very good looking side bars may take too much real estate. Other than that it's looking good. 
I think it’s attractive. I do get the feeling of orange being too strong, color scheme wise? So my first idea was to say add purple, for nostr rep? Then I had a better idea. What if you used both orange AND purple, and purple buttons etc would subliminally signify social content, whilst orange can tie to the ideas or functions pertaining to bitcoin/zaps etc.  see what I’m getting at? 

No, but that's a really interesting idea. 
 A secondary accent color is undoubtedly useful. Currently, I use a very light brown for less important interactions, maybe it has a little too low contrast, we can test something else.
But I agree with @hodlbod, no more purple :) 
 No purple please. It's an ugly combination, plus if you feel the orange is too strong, you would only make it worse adding purple. 
 zen modeいいね🧘💯 
 Overall, it is angular and may not feel rounded or warm or tender.
I don't know until I use it, but... 
 hb, when you gonna put this up so we can mess with it? 
 Just broke ground today so it'll be a little while 
 Looks great!

I personally prefer all lower case text, as all caps makes me think my computer is yelling at me =] 
 Ah, if I may get the words wrong, do forgive me,
hmm, the 'X'  button & 'double Chevron' button needs more love💔,
why? Because it is the most used, it was the most helpful to get me "unlost"🧭
 so happy that it's getting a facelift & not changing drastically in
 the way it currently 'pulls up' notes, a very, very strong point of 
 Its looking very good. I am on the same boat as other comments saying there is too much uppercase text. 
 It looks really good 
 🎨 👀 #nostrdesign 

 What is the C99 next to the Username @dtonon ? Overlapping connections you have with this user?  
 Social score as computed by the NIP-32 cabal 
 I see! That's why @dtonon has a Cabal score of almost 100%.  
 And @fiatjaf ‘s is negative. Ngmi 
 Hey, I worked hard for that! 
 Next time you'll think twice before messing with the NIP 32 Cabal 

Actually the WoT score should not be shown for the logged in user. 
 whats a social score? 
 It's the WoT score, already present in Coracle.

It's not %, it is "equal to how many people you follow that also follow a given person, minus pow(2, log(n)), where n is how many people you follow who have muted this person. This allows you to see at a glance if someone is accepted in your network. This helps reduce spam, impostors, and objectionable content. You can set a minimum web of trust score on your content settings page, which will automatically mute anyone with a lower score than your threshold." (current tooltip)

The half circle is more prominent (orange) to show that the user is followed, dimmed for not followed users.
I would like to use the coracle sign, (half)circle, more frequently in the interface. 
 Got it. 
The % was just to make the joke work 😉 
I personally love how coracle does it now (but I get the C thing too). 
Started using this idea in my designs too: 
 Actually think this a hugely underestimated UI innovation here. You can completely avoid having to show the NIP-05. Especially when logged in. 

It really cleans up the UI. I just need to see if a user is in one of my profile lists (Following f.e.) or their WoT score to navigate my way through.  
 > The % was just to make the joke work 😉 

I replied before the morning coffee 😀 
 That's his preferred programming language. 
 I like it 
 looks great, I love the uppercase buttons! 
 My only input is that I still hate the tones of the background colors. Looks like muddy water and doesn't make me want to spend much time on there. That's all. Solid platform overall. 🤷 
 The colors originated almost two years ago when I thought "huh, it would be interesting to design something in brown". Other people have mentioned theming too, I'll look into it. 
 It looks really good! I like how the posts and menu are designed.

Here are some thoughts on a few details:

- I'm not sure about having "npub" next to the author's picture in every post. Is it distracting, and does it matter in that spot?
- Should the font for the post author's nickname be a bit bigger? It seems a little too small.
- The rounded corners on the mobile view look a bit strange.
- I prefer the current rounded post button at the bottom.
- Is the search bar at the top too distracting? 
 All great points. I'm told the mobile view will look ok on an actual phone because  there won't be as much contrast with the body of the phone. For the rest, I think I might agree.