Oddbean new post about | logout
 If you get doxxed, it's your fault entirely.  
 i think it is super hard these days not to get doxxed, its not stupid, it's very difficult to stay anon unless you are some super genius. I am not saying anyone is stupid, because technology today makes it rather easy to find people. It's everywhere. If you don't want to be doxxed, you literally need to stay off the internet. I have seen so many people get doxxed online by the littlest thing.  
 It's not hard. Buy a burner phone. 
Fiatjaf aka Giovanni Torres Parra gave his name to Forbes, and the jews ratted him out, lol.  
 the jews made fiatjaf the official CEO. xo 
 Shitty job for $250k.  
 better paying than my job, i would take it 
 Jack should give you 14 BTC. You're a genius and will never be doxxed.  
 if he wants to give it to me, he can and i will sit on his lap lol  
 You'll do a joyful celebratory zap lap dance? 
 as he wishes