Oddbean new post about | logout
 I am not very good at taking compliments, or even remembering what they were after the fact. It’s like my brain just pushes them away before they can even make its way into my psyche. So I try to write them down when I can, to refer back to them when I feel down on myself. 

I haven’t written anything down since 2019. 😬 

What’s the nicest compliment you’ve ever received?

A lady once told me I had nice handwriting (even though I think it looks like chicken scratchings); I guess it’s *elegant.* 

I was on a long bicycle ride, separated from my group, when a motorcycle rolled up next to me. The male driver had a big cigar in his mouth and a lady hugging to his waist.  

He stared at me for a few seconds then said "I always wanted to try that, but I wasn't man enough."  

He sped off without giving me a chance to respond....not that I would have known what to say to that anyway. It was pretty funny.  😆 
 I see from the lack of responses to my question that y’all are also probably not good about receiving remembering compliments. Or perhaps you’re just too modest to even want to mention them? :welp: 

I'm really trying to learn to take compliments more elegantly. I like them but I don't think I realized how weird I was being about it. 
Just kind of freeze up.