@dd8b9125 @99019452 Thanks for your explanation. I personally think emulation of another's culture, done with the proper intent and in a constructive manner, is fine. It can be a celebration of culture.
@3bd57d4d @99019452 I grew up watching Dick van Dyke in Mary Poppins, and can confirm that you should be very cautious when trying someone else's culture on as a costume. You might think you're being very respectful, but still come across as something you need to apologise for in later life. https://www.theguardian.com/film/2017/jul/21/dick-van-dyke-sorry-for-cockney-accent-mary-poppins-disney
@dd8b9125 @99019452 I'm sorry, but I have such a love-hate attitude toward the British, I want to say, "So what's your point," about making fun of the British. But your point is well taken. I think anytime there is such appropriation, it should be done with respect. In Dick VanDyke's case, it wasn't that he had a cockney accent so much as the way he portrayed lower-classed people, making fun of their station in life.