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 Mortality for birds from collision with buildings is much higher than most folks realize. Although it’s worth noting that the toll is still vastly lower than deaths from cats.

Data from U.S. Fish & Wildlife. Also, bc it needs to be stated - this is not a post against cats. /2

 @b5cdaf1a this is why the city of South Miami put forward requirements that buildings had to have tinted glass to protect migrating and local birds. 
 @b5cdaf1a @50698f08 Sorry to spoil, but please try to follow thru to the source material by US Fish and Wildlife. It‘s a seriously outdated estimate not backed  by any current data. I‘m not making a specific claim here about the real numbers etc. it‘s just that this often-used statistic is garbage and should not pass Statista‘s quality control. 
 @b5cdaf1a I thought birds were fake. 🐦 
The buildings at my work have bird decals on all the big windows. They're silhouettes of various birds of prey, and the idea is to scare the birds so they don't fly into the glass. 
 @9538e550 We do this on our windows at home & it seems to help. 
 @b5cdaf1a #cats who aren't wild or feral should be kept indoors, and outdoor colonies should be managed with #tnr. It always blows my mind that people let their pet cats free-roam and then are 'heartbroken' when s/he is run over, attacked by dogs, injured, infected, or lost. They deserve better from us. So do the birds. 
 @b5cdaf1a The biggest killing fields for birds are agriculture and urbanization+ human infrastructure. But cats are easier to target and to pretend the solution to it all is Keep Your Cats Indoors. 
It would be useful to add a line for birds killed by pollution caused directly by fossil fuel emissions, and for bonus points by climate change caused by fossil fuels.

As with many of these sorts of chart, omitting the "status quo" can be seriously misleading. Yes, turbines may kill birds, but we have to also consider how many are being culled now by the alternative. 
 @b5cdaf1a it must qualify "birds" killed by each item. e.g. "Birds" killed by cats are urban birds, vultures, condors, eagles, seaguls are killed by wind turbines 
 @b5cdaf1a perspective is an enlightening thing.