Democratic Party’s embrace of organized labor in 2024 elections has long roots that had started to wither ========== The Democratic Party's historical ties to organized labor began to weaken post-1947 with the Taft-Hartley Act; union membership has declined to 1 in 10 U.S. workers; FDR's New Deal was pivotal for labor; Bill Clinton's NAFTA led to significant job losses; Joe Biden is the first president to walk a picket line; in 2024, Democrats recognize the importance of union support for electoral success; Liz Shuler of AFL-CIO and other union leaders spoke at the Democratic National Convention, contrasting with minimal union representation at the Republican National Convention. #DemocraticParty #Labor #Unions #2024Elections #Fdr #Biden #Nafta #Aflcio #PoliticalHistory #WorkingClass