My parents had no idea what they were doing and I turned out (mostly) fine.
I do not think the background of the parents matters at all, just their willingness to sacrifice for their children, because you are right that it takes a lot of work.
Well I've seen some people lives ruined by their childhood. It doesn't matter if your parents like mine and like I am today didn't know how to be parent. The simple fact that they did their best is enough. I heard horrible stories. We have been very lucky
It’s a stop and start for 😂 sure… 👍 also my 🔥 2nd copy
I saw these on the welcome.Joey 🌈 account 🌈 earlier! 😀 They r rad
You just can’t help yourself 👍 eh
Well 😂 at least I already realized that part 🤔 😂
Being a respected or effective leader is really hard. Being a dictator 💯 is 🎉 really easy. Earn respect and 👍 never demand it. 👍
It is all manual. When 🔥 i 👍 note straight from the 🎉 💯 client it 💯 💯 does go 🔥 to my 💯 build 😂 account so thats pretty cool
I think what we’re getting at is, parents matter more than the state in fostering the growth and development of children.
That being said, not all public education is equal.