I don't understand where the torrent support is in the latest version of #Amethyst #asknostr
I saw that in the change-log, too and went looking. I have no clue. @Amethyst @Vitor Pamplona
It just displays a torrent when it shows up in the feed and if you click it it will open in your torrent app :)
I thought they were grouped in a separate section like the marketplace
It would be nice to have a kind filter for the feed, then. Who knows how far I might have to scroll before I see a torrent.
Last one was 9 days ago. So I don't expect anyone to see them in the feed. but here it nostr:nevent1qqsdsg6x7uujekac4ga7k7qa9q9sx8gqj7xzjf5w9us0dm0ghvf4ugsntg3xc