I’m the kind of person that will make sure all cookies are rejected upon entering a new website, even if it means spending time hunting for the hidden button that says “Reject All” or finding a different page that will give me access without cookies.
I don’t know if it truly works, but it’s worth a try.
Rage against the cookie machine. ✊🏼
Haha if we started a band, that should definitely be the name 🍪
Debut album: “Reject All”.
Simply because you’re following strong principles, worth the time. :D
Fire upon the cookies of Babylon
What about the 'essential' ones? 🙃
“oNlY tHe eSsEnTiAl cOoKIEs”
You don't want to know how many times I shout at my computer: "THERE ARE NO ESSENTIAL COOKIES!". 🫠
I just choose randomly. All cookies are deleted by Vanilla Cookies extension when I leave the site.