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 Something very funny afoot with Tucker Carlson gaining access to Putin. 

Journalism in Russia is incredibly tightly controlled and if the state doesn’t like what you say, you will be harassed. 

Most journalists wouldn’t be allowed in the country. 

As someone who’s tried to do journalism in countries with state run and state controlled media, I’m struck by how he’s announcing he’s not only announcing his visit but promoting “the truth” he will uncover in the intervew. 

Those who do try to tell the truth about what’s going on from Russia, (even nice truths) get thrown out. 

Look at the very popular YouTuber “bald and bankrupt” as an example. 

After a series of human, real and genuine vlogs around Russia, he ended up in prison and was then turfed out of the country. 

Do you think we’ll get a real encounter? Will we get the truth? 
 Truth is subjective

Right and Wrong are opinions, either societal or personal

Why shouldn’t you (or Putin) be able to say what ever they want, unchallenged and uninterrupted. 

Then the other side is able to challenge it, but only once it’s said.
 No, Truth IS objective. Your philosophy is off. 

The statement "Truth is subjective" is an objective statement.

You foot gunned, yourself.  
 Darnit. Beat me to the punch. 
 Punch ?

Let’s reign back the hostility.

Keep that for X 😂 
 No hostility! Just sharpening our logic. Haha 
 You’re using the “I always lie” paradox out of context.
 Is it true that right and wrong are mere opinions or is that just your opinion? If it’s just your opinion, why should we listen to you? 
 You just did! 
 The point is, if there’s no right and wrong in your view, it’s just your opinion and that has no bearing on what we should or shouldn’t believe. So it basically mutes your argument. 
 It's too important to democracy to let the truth be known.

-the American shit lib 
 All of it is a stage... "Bread and Circus." This world is run by a dark occult priest class. They control the narritve. The problem is most of us are not studied in occultism. So we are clowned over and over by this dark priest class. Soul-u-tion: just say NO to their tried proganda and build new systems based on Morality and Freedom. 
 You've been watching too much Futurama "League of Robots".

It's mostly successful or inherited privilege kids that are as clueless as you or I

Bitcoin will, given enough time, switch this and former elites will call us dark occult priests from their "Truth Social" network. 
 Do I know you? Have we met before? As you are acting as if you know me.  

I did not ask for your opinion on my note as clearly you do not know occultism. 

I have no respect for comments like this.  
 This is social media. We don’t need to meet to interact.

But if you prefer me not to comment, I shall refrain in the future. 
 Even worse, many end up in a russian prison. I'm pretty sure Putin sees Tucker as a useful idiot. (And Putin is likely correct.) I don't expect a hard hitting interview. (I'd love it if both Putin and I are wrong about Tucker but I don't think we are.) 
 You are a fucking a dumbass if you think Tucker Carlson is going to be in a Russian prison. 
 that’s not what he said clown. i don’t expect a high degree of reading comprehension from you tho given your other comment. 
 Oh look anither progressive liberal coming to the defense of the war mongering west. 
 I disagree with the prison part but the rest sounds about right. 

Never too late, ey?!
 Spot on, Joe 🤙 
 Only a self proclaimed journalist could give such a shit take. 

He's the most popular journalist in America, what's afoot about that? 

The odd part is how he was being intimidated by the US intelligence not to do the interview years ago.

Bald and bankrupt was booted for obvious reasons. 
 Hey @damus how do i block plz. The guy above is plain rude 
 If you think that’s rude then I can’t help you.   He may have been a little direct on the self-proclaimed stuff but his points are valid af. 
 That’s a shit take from a self-proclaimed “kind of humble BTC maxi”. 

Oh sorry, that was rude of me don’t you think. 
 If the Trump presidency tells you anything, Putin looks for useful idiots. Carlson basically never left SoCal. Have you tried having an intelligent conversation with a middle class person from Los Angeles? The crossover of mainstream culture and Bitcoin is treacherous. Bitcoin is the Switzerland of money politics. Neutral. 
 I don’t really think we’ll get an honest interview with anyone from the Russian state. They have a long history of spreading propaganda and I don’t think this will be any differrent. This goes for most state actors imo. As long as they’re not on neutral territory, I don’t think Tucker will dare to ask the hard questions in fear of being jailed or something similar. And, if he does ask those questions, that footage will probably be deleted before they leave the premises.

I hope I’m wrong though. I look forward to that interview. 
 Anything from a state will never be honest.  Just look at America's state media. 
 Having experienced Russia and returned and am going back again, it is my opinion that the West has no clue about it. A marvelous country with fantastic people. If you talk to those people, 9 out of 10 really like their leader. A total contrast to here in the UK and, from what I can see, Europe and the USA 
 9 out of 10 people that’s a big call for a country that had an exodus of people at the start of the war

My friends and ex colleagues who live there are trapped. The Russians who don’t live there don’t say Putin’s name. 
 True, Russia is huge and I mainly visit just one provence, but I do believe Putin's approval rating is in the mid to high 80s. Many of the young men I have spoken to believe him to be too leniant. The West does not report both sides ofthee story. We too have state run media, BBC. Our journalists no longer exist, or at least not allowed to report anything that doesn't go with the narrative. 
 He’s a dictator with a disregard for human life and a track record of deceit. 

Show me a democratic election and we can talk about his popularity 
 To be fair, for the disregard and deceit part the same could be said about the current and former US president and UK PM's like Johnson, Cameron, Blair.

And even dictators have a hard time when they have no majority support and they are pushing unpopular things like drafting into an unsupported war. If there was no popular support for him or his measures, I doubt the war could have been sustained 2 years 
 Also Joe, the Russian I live with says his name. Obviously not everyone likes him. I have never met, not likely to meet Putin, so I can only go on my experience.  
 Wonder what info's going to come out about Jack Smith and the rest of the deep state... 
 Who’s that? 👀 
 Fake news character.
 Wonder if Tucker Carlson supports Moscow time like @jack? 
 Sniff it out, you investigative journalist joe! 
 Asking for permission to interview and getting it is not something "funny afoot". It's not like Tucker will be roaming the streets interviewing any dissents.

Putin has never really had the opportunity to speak to people in the West. The reason is because Western media refuses to because it's heavily censored and works hand in hand with authoritarian Western governments.

Whether Putin "tells the truth" in the interview is irrelevant. Putin says X, Biden & Zelensky says Y and both are lies with a sprinkling of truth, why limit yourself to one set of lies?

I see nothing weird or out of place with being granted an interview, but do with the mainstream narrative-following "no, don't listen to the other side!" undercurrent in your comment. 
 I’m all for the interview but tucker is full of shit. MSM has tried to interview him several times - it would be gold for their m channels https://i.nostr.build/6vAP.png  
 There are many people far less "problematic" than Putin who wouldn't dare get interviewed by Western MSM. Why would Putin, or why would he care until someone controversially unapologetically neutral comes along and says he'll post the interview unedited and unmanipulated?

For this interview, what part of Tucker is full of shit? Or any of the other interviews?

Again, Putin's version of the truth (likely a fog of half truths) hasn't been aired in the West without opinion and commentary given over the top. You don't have to be pro Putin or pro Authoritarian to admit that.
Where is this same energy for every single interview of a Western leader in environments where there is no journalism just narrative pushing?  
 Tucker is full of shit. He lies all the time. See him lying about Trump and the votes. 

Putin’s truths are lies - plenty of examples where he tells the truth and we learn later that it’s a lie. 

Idk what Putin’s goals are but it sure as hell isn’t a tell all interview with Tucker. 

Idk what you mean by the last statement. 
 US elections were fraudulent. Putin is defacto dictator of Russia, albeit an oddly popular one due to the Russian mindset. Ukraine had Nazis and US biolabs. Donbas is full of Russians. Russia is corrupt. BBC is operated by the British establishment as a formulaic and systematic brainwashing and propaganda tool. Epstein didn't kill himself.

Stepping outside the matrix can be bewildering.