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 Good morning nostr 👑

In your opinion, what has been the most bullish thing for bitcoin in 2024?

Best response gets 888 sats ⚡️

 ETFs, not even close to anything else  
 1 million Bitcoin reserve for the US.  
 Anuncio de posible reserva de valor en bitcoin con el triunfo de Trump, noticias hacen alcista a bitcoin  

The #Nostr community. 
 Me. I have. Clearly. 
 Good morning 

Bullish thing I’ve seen this year is the best bitcoiners migrating from twitter to NOSTR  
 If we're talking fiat valuation increase and going forward, I'd say the Microstrategy products. They'll be way more important than the ETFs.

On the other hand, if we're talking adoption, I'd say the v4v ecosystem. It's but a small flame right now, but has been resiliant and determined to succeed, adapting to work with and around regulatory hurdles. People have been switching from one wallet to another over the past year as things change. We've got better solutions now like AlbyHub and LNbits for the self sovereign and decent providers like coinos filling a void. Cashu has started taking off and being considered for additional localized token management. Nostrich Bitcoiners arent giving up and are growing the system 
 DJT winning the election. 
 Breaking ATH before the. halving. 
Set the stage for a super bull run.