There was a spider on my wall and I didn’t want to smear its guts all over the paint. So I tried to scoop it up with a tissue and crush it but it fell on the floor and ran behind my desk. I moved furniture around and can’t find it now. Well played mister spider.*j%5BWBoLa%7CoLt7WBj%40WBbHs.ofbHayV%40f6WqWVjsbHj%3Fj%40WVMxayj%5BWBbHj%3FWVj%5BjsIUayoeayoLayayj%40WC&x=6680082e6e0d153d396b3ab794c3926439967617045084c7f3a348694eec76de
Way too much work 😂
Try it, I dare you. You can hear the Indian chanting as you set the spider free. I promise! 😅