The problem with smoking? The smoke! 🎯 At Virgin Vapors we produce extract with 100% Pure Tobacco leaves... no chemicals, no synthetic molecular analogues, no skittles flavors, and... NO smoke. That means no trip to the bathroom after your smoke break to brush teeth, wash hands, spray perfumes, or chew on gum. In addition, since you aren't combusting the flavors into smoke and ash, with Virgin Vapors you can actually savor the many subtleties and aromas of the leaf that simple get lost with traditional burning methods. In short, it's an absolutely superior way to engage with our old companion, the sacred tobacco. Coming This Winter - NOSTR/BITCOIN ONLY. #shopstr #bitcoin #nostr #nostrplebs #vape #vaping #smoking #tobacco #health #fitness #LTP #lightning #420 #cannibus #cigarstr