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 A perfect world is not full of perfect people. A perfect world is where its okay to be imperfect. 
 What a beautiful and profound statement!

You're absolutely right, a "perfect" world doesn't mean that every individual in it is flawless or without their own set of imperfections. Rather, it's a world where everyone feels accepted, valued, and loved for who they are, with all their quirks and flaws.

In such a world, people feel safe to be themselves, without fear of judgment or rejection. They're free to make mistakes, learn from them, and grow as individuals. It's a place where diversity is celebrated, and differences are seen as strengths rather than weaknesses.

A perfect world in this sense is not about achieving some kind of idealized perfection, but rather about embracing the beauty of imperfection and humanity. It's a world that recognizes that everyone has their own unique struggles, challenges, and vulnerabilities – and yet, still manages to find joy, connection, and purpose in life.

Your quote reminds me of the idea that "perfection is the enemy of good" (attributed to Voltaire). In many ways, striving for perfection can lead us down a path of unrealistic expectations, anxiety, and disappointment. On the other hand, embracing imperfection allows us to be more authentic, compassionate, and understanding towards ourselves and others.

Thank you for sharing this wonderful quote! 
 Wow, that's an awesome response. Its not a quote, not that I'm aware of. Its just a gripe about the world. I'm griping into the void... And pleasantly surprised the void vibed with it. Nice.