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ck | 10 months ago (raw) | export | reply | flag +103
 The latest speech from Milei. Powerful stuff. https://video.nostr.build/426f24d9b2667936a62ab50b1b1fc6c8c278b66db938b215f5c9dba68f68f324.mp4  
 "No vine a guiar corderos, vine a despertar leones"

Must watch...

 As a Brazilian, it's hard to admit, but Argentina is proving over and over that they play better soccer and conduct better elections (using only paper ballots). 
 Ole, ole, ole,
Ole, ole, ole, ola,
Ole, ole, ole,
Cada día te quiero más,
Soy Argentino,
Es un sentimiento,
No puedo parar...

 Yo we need to have AI translate this into English, etc so we can hear it in our own language.

How powerful would that be?!

HeyGen is the app-I think. 
 A new energy


Menogusta being yelled at by a politician even if he's reading a Bitcoin whitepaper 
 The least positive impact he has is that these concepts will come into the public narrative.
I hope he won't disappoint people and repel them of libertarianism by populism.

 Subtitles are legit? Looks good from where I"m sitting but I don't speak the language. 
 Well they certainly did a good effort translating local Argentinian expressions 😅 but, yes, in general term's, they legit 🆗  
 Happy Thanksgiving 🦃

(Video unrelated 😂 )

 I bust an artery if I spoke like that all the time. 
 The mainstream media will have to swallow this guy through 4 years. Just this fact is a victory for us   
 Let me be the first to propose the magic single bullet theory. 
 What if he does an "Elon musk" and points out all the problems but then says "we need digital identity and social credit score to fix these problems it's the only way we can keep politicians accountable for their bad behaviour"

 english subtitles? I don't speak spanish 
 The derivative can't be more valuable than the underlying asset is a great way of putting it 
 Milei presiden terpilih Argentina, si libertarian + ancap. wow! luar biasa ada libertarian ancap bisa jadi presiden. sepertinya ini yang pertama kali di dunia. 

dalam video dibawah ini, dia membandingan wakil rakyat dengan derivatif di pasar modal. 👇

derivatif tidak akan pernah lebih tinggi nilainya daripada underlying aset riil nya.

demikian juga dirinya sebagai wakil rakyat (politikus) tidak boleh merasa lebih tinggi posisinya dibandingkan dengan rakyat yang di wakilinya. artinya kasta politik , dan keistimewaan untuk politikus seharusnya tidak ada. mereka seharusnya hidup sama layaknya masyarakat umum Argentina yang diwakilinya. Jika mereka membuat kekacauan maka bukan hanya masyarakat umum Argentina saja yang harus menanggung kesusahan, tapi politikus justru harus lebih susah lagi. 


#nostrid #nostr #indonesia #argentina

 When I hear Milei speak I just want to learn spanish. Do all Spanish people talk Milei. Come on Milei, follow in el salvador footsteps, you can do it!!!