I have a feeling 2024 might be a chaotic year. If for whatever reason the power and water turned off and you couldn’t leave your house for a week, how would your family fare?
If you assess that you need to increase your family’s emergency preparedness, don’t delay. I would be happy to offer suggestions, answer questions, point you towards resources, etc. Please feel free to reach out!
A lot of people don’t take the necessary steps because it seems like a huge hill to climb at first. My advice is to set up incremental goals. Start with 3 days of essentials. Water is key. Find a source nearby you can walk to for filtering back at home. Then build up to 3 weeks. Then 3 months. Do a weekend “blackout drill” with your family. You’ll learn a lot. Like who can’t hack not having a screen in their face and getting micro dopamine hits half the day lol.
How would you approach the question of how much fuel should one store for a backup generator?