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 You can get all the Bitcoin Ben’s aligned and it won’t matter - Creed ain’t happening 
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 Dude. You’re wrong 
 It wouldn’t be the first time, but I don’t think I am on this one!

Creed is too cringe for anyone who isn’t a yank. And yanks always forget this is global, you guys don’t run #Bitcoin, you run the global reserve asset that it’s replacing. 
 The meme wars know no boundaries. You’re either with us or you’re against us, and I wouldn’t want to be against us 
 You need allies in a war, and I don’t know if you’ve noticed but traditional US allies have had a gutful of American hubris..

Bitcoiners are by definition betting against the US - you might want to wake up to what you’re *actually* hodling. 
 Creed is like McDonalds, you can hate the US but still enjoy a happy meal. 
 Excellent analogy - no-one with a brain consumes McDonalds. 

You are pushing shit uphill here my friend. 
 Are you aware that happy meals come with little plastic toys? Also you can ask for extra pickles on your hamburgers and they’ll just give you extra pickles 
 I was not aware of that on account of the fact I do not willingly consume fiat garbage 🤙 
 ser, are you aware that what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger?   
 McDonald’s does kill you 
 yes. it kills the little bitch inside you that can't handle a few punches. and then the inner chad emerges and you all your enemies bow down before you 
 Really? I’m yet to see that. 

To date my experience has been how it makes your country, the one whose currency Bitcoin is replacing, the fattest fucks on earth, a nation of obese losers who couldn’t pass a basic fitness test because they’re all so full of fiat garbage that it’s actually impaired their ability to even think straight hence it’s people think they’re still strong enough to get non-Americans to listen to fucking Creed. 
 Hahaha my man we’re just separating the wheat from the chaf over here. It’s called Darwinism look it up. 
 lol it's already happening