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 One of the reasons OtherStuff has been a dud, is because we've been pressured to transfer influencing to our clients.

If you open #Alexandria, it'll show you "stuff from your follows".
But what if your follows are the Primal Top 50 (because what else would they be 🙄 )?
Well, then you see a blank page. No entries. Alexandria ded.
Or there'd be 42 editions of "The Bitcoin Standard". 😅 

If you went by relay, topic, label, etc. you would eventually see lots of stuff, from npubs you might not know, but it would be the sort of stuff you were _actually_ looking for. Because you were looking for INFORMATION, not INFLUENCING. You were looking for SOMETHING, not SOMEONE.

OtherStuff will get nowhere, fast, so long as we aren't willing to admit that the person who owns the information you want, may not be Odell or Jack or ThatHotChick. It might be npubbunchofnumbers and it might be the only thing that npub ever produced. 
 The goal, in other words, for #Alexandria, is not to just show you "stuff from popular npubs" (although we'll do that, too). It's to allow you to type in "please show me ABC book" or "please show me XYZ article" or "please display everything you can find about breeding patterns of the prairie vole" and then go HUNT IT DOWN FOR YOU, WHEREVER IT IS AND REGARDLESS OF WHO WROTE IT, and be like,
