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 The world has gone mad. Praying for peace.
 Victory in the field begins in the factory.

A good industrial military complex slogan 
 I noticed that too. Imagine having so little empathy that that slogan makes you feel good. 
 It really is a telling when the ones who say they are for peace are signing bombs..... https://image.nostr.build/0a7eebef8657f997c3633797f5f53fa978b812b7d5bb10fcf47d4b89fe80584b.jpg 
 So messed up…. They should take this bombs, put in their home’s altar and pray for blessing lol 
 Absolutely evil. Imagine smiling and putting your autograph on the coffin you will put your neighbor in. 
 Who are these people? 
 Well, the dude autographing the ammunition is my governor. I met him before. I liked him previously. This isn't a good look though. 
 does he have a name?! 
 The guy is a psychopath running the corporation into the ground 
 Bad judgment for a politician 🫤 
 The world actually never been sane in my opinion 
 Quem está minando a paz do mundo são os marxistas, mulçumanos e os interesses de Pequim e Moscou.
Quanto as disputas africanas, não há muito o que fazer. 
 Also the bankers and the bomb makers  
 These people are so fucking sick 
 Is there enough to insert one into each of the suit’s asses? 
 I know some beautiful autist in a basement somewhere has 700TB of archived evidence against these people to ensure future accountability  
 Bitcoin not bombs.  

These piece of shit, assholes, smiling while they’re looking at weapons of destruction.  They’re only smiling because they know they’re getting a cut of whatever is being made.  Either directly or indirectly. 
 The Reality.

Before Money, Barter was the exchange of  things but was rated in Human Empathy.

Money removed that Human Empathy part of the exchange, because it was not perfect Information that recorded exactly the Human Empathy part of exchange.

That was Commodity Money.  Since the 1970's Fiat Currency money became globally used, that further removed that Human Empathy exchange.

People game system's, so that opened Pandora's Box, you can have everything at no cost.  If you can game the system with no cost, you have the perfect environment for fast breeding Psychopaths to win.  Empathy holds others back.

Politicians from Vanity to Psychopaths can promise everything and deliver nothing.  Psychopathic lawyers become heads of Government's, Councils, Mayor's and big Institutions and Non-Government  Organisations etc et cetera.

The nett result of the loss of exchanging Pure Human Empathy is living life backward to those who cherish the exchange of Human Empathy.

As such, Gender Attacked, Family Attacked, Childhood Attacked, Religion Attacked, Property Attacked, Opinion Attacked, Home Attacked, Privacy Attacked, Health Attacked, Nature Attacked, Survival Attacked, Climate Attacked etc et cetera.

Bitcoin goes right back to what I said at the start and further, it's the exchange of Pure Human Empathy before people even thought to write about how a God could do this better.

If you don't think that chasing Fiat Currency is the Religion of living backwards, then my friends, your minds have gone.

 When the signed bomb explodes above their heads, can they still face it with a smile? 
 Wtf. Who even thinks to do something like this 
 This can’t be real 
 This isn't a deep fake? 
 No. Pennsylvania Governor tweeted a video 
 Tax dollars. They are like Hey you pay for this, and we sign it! 

 War is the failure of politics.

Too fucking busy to negotiate with the adversary and avoid the looming mass murder they have been planning in their dark hearts, they prance off to the factories to pretend to be making jobs.  Absolutely sickening!  May they be the first to reap the fruits of their "labor".  There is coming a time when politics will die in the human heart and only then will we be able to seek true and lasting peace.  I serve the Unarch. I have spoken. 
 Serve whoever you want. 
Love Winz already won mind control 
Over this matter millennia ago 
Wake up 

Everyone is essential & Omaha 
Play on 

Here for the LLLS  
 If you sign a bomb, you should have to pick up a rifle. 
 Part of an epic poem I wrote 

Warrior princess stood proud 
Assuring another’s right to life 
In an attempt to 
Win the hearts & minds of others?
It’s so much easier to destroy them. 

A #warrior #queen is created in one of two ways 
1. On the battlefield 
- taking part in death & destruction 
2. In the comfort of advisors 
- Redacted stories being told

Who #benefits? 
Foot soldiers for centuries
have carried the burden 
Manipulated by 
“powerful” lesser humans 
Who find beauty in 
Childish games and tokens 
False flags 
Renounce their power 
My choice is to stand in my inherent power 
I’m a woman 
With feelings 
And regrets 
With respect to the dead 
Your voices still haunt me 

United States of Arrogance 
Blissfully entertained by football 
Ignoring the undercurrent of filth
Blood soaked earth 
striating tears of stained faces
Witnesses plead Peace
Warriors scream from their graves 
Who will be the last fallen soldier?

- Stay focused on pigskin while we all eat slop ☹️

#Violet #Satoshi #Chose 
To play if out 

 Notice how they're both Js. 
 The Reality.

Before Money, Barter was the exchange of  things but was rated in Human Empathy.

Money removed that Human Empathy part of the exchange, because it was not perfect Information that recorded exactly the Human Empathy part of exchange.

That was Commodity Money.  Since the 1970's Fiat Currency money became globally used, that further removed that Human Empathy exchange.

People game system's, so that opened Pandora's Box, you can have everything at no cost.  If you can game the system with no cost, you have the perfect environment for fast breeding Psychopaths to win.  Empathy holds others back.

Politicians from Vanity to Psychopaths can promise everything and deliver nothing.  Psychopathic lawyers become heads of Government's, Councils, Mayor's and big Institutions and Non-Government  Organisations etc et cetera.

The nett result of the loss of exchanging Pure Human Empathy is living life backward to those who cherish the exchange of Human Empathy.

As such, Gender Attacked, Family Attacked, Childhood Attacked, Religion Attacked, Property Attacked, Opinion Attacked, Home Attacked, Privacy Attacked, Health Attacked, Nature Attacked, Survival Attacked, Climate Attacked etc et cetera.

Bitcoin goes right back to what I said at the start and further, it's the exchange of Pure Human Empathy before people even thought to write about how a God could do this better.

If you don't think that chasing Fiat Currency is the Religion of living backwards, then my friends, your minds have gone.

 Did you plagiarize me completely? 

No you didn’t: but it was pretty close 🤣 
 WWII sent off boys from the farm. 
Lucky men came home 
Many were heartbroken 
Fractured souls & altered minds
Attempted to claim their peace 
Of the American dream
Honoring their fallen friends & respect 
Back to school they went
Educated now birthed the middle class

But wait! Political interests 
Quickly engaged by the bags of money 
Force fed by marketing 
They can’t take **our** money 
Peasants can’t hold status 
Wealthy lived in privilege 
They didn’t want only their income
Sought to destroy others 
How to do so they asked? 

     Reagan- Nom- Icks 
Manipulating others to hate Ebonics 
     Dose them with sugar water 
anti-union laws pushed 
     The poor are lesser humans 
Take away their pensions 
      Less educated masses 
Wealth force-fed the regulations 
      Dumb, deaf or blind 🇺🇸 stayed 
Going to church on Sunday 
    And more loose taxes for the power 
But God only knows the hour 😂

USA unaware of 
Evil pulling the strings. 
Peacemakers spoke 
As always 
Powerfully silenced. 

Then the - isms
Keep the pawns fighting amongst theirselves 
Religion, class, race and sex
Divided caste chattel is US society
We’ve bought into “freedom” ideology 
“Let them eat fast food.”
We ignore or berate those unlike us. 
This keeps us constantly wrestling 

Inspired by this I saw on Reddit. Wish I had persons name to credit them. 

A growing middle class, presented a poltical danger to the interests of the wealthy, it's growth took away from their status and privilege, so it had to be both shrunk and turned against the the lower class.

Nixon started it, Reagan perfected it with anti-union laws, demonizing the poor, slashing pensions, underfunding education and loosing the taxes and regulations on corporations.

Classism, Sexism, Racism and Religion are all used to further seperate working class Americans, who have more in common than not,  and to give them someone to focus their anger and blame on, when their own upward mobility stalls; all the while the rich get richer. 
 oh man. this is the most ridiculous pic I've ever seen..  
 This isn't the first time this happened, nor will it be the last time. 
 We’ve seen this before.  It doesn’t end well.  God help us all. 
 OMG, why do people still worship these clowns?

Statism is a mental disease  
 It’s a demonic one 
 No idea of where it is but looks like a bunch of NaZionists 
 For your information signing man, this bomb does not kill Putin, it kills people. Get the cameras out when a peace deal can be signed.

 Repulsive suits. Fuck these lunatics 
 It takes a devil to find this gleeful 
 whats going on here? Who is this schmuck 
 It doesn't matter if your gun has engravings on it what matter is if you use it to rob a gas station or to defend your house. 
 this is pure evil. 
 Fiat made this possible. 
 The amount of peace loving people I have seen turned into warmongering khornate berserkers is staggering, even Peter Todd is utterly insane about this issue. 
 Bitcoin not bombs

Spread bitcoin adoption to the point where war is no longer feasible 🧡 

 this is the most faggot picture in the history of the United States of America. 