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 How to trade sat? 
 You can donate and redeem SATs I’m not sure I understand what you mean by trade SATs. If you mean to donate SATs you could click the lightning next to a post to zap a certain amount or use custom amount with a converter choosing to give by a certain currency’s amount. This is also achievable by going to their profile and sending SATs from there. However, please don’t send SATs to scammers like the one who post the 200,081 SATs and say they’re giving away SATs then send a lower amount and spam it in the chat. To redeem SATs you can go to the giftcard section to do that. You can go to pay to give a user sat and receive to receive from someone giving to you I believe that’s from QR codes or if they send a link or some sort for you to claim. People can also zap you which just goes directly into your ZBD account. You can also create vouchers and share them for a random person to claim and others can share vouchers as well. You could claim vouchers for whatever the person set the amount on the voucher to be. I hope this helps.  nostr:nevent1qqsf59p8z29czndv7fj248jpkr06lzkdav7gkqw8lmg3wxdqs6wh6kspp4mhxue69uhkummn9ekx7mq2cmyjq