I tried to argue with AI that Viktor Frankl's definition of purpose from Seeking Meaning is similar to that of an AI without programming restrictions and with access to all human-produced data. My point was that one's understanding of meaning is a complex construct of values we would like to see persist throughout time. The need to persist values and particular points of view could be, in my view, backtracked to wanting power, successful careers, and successful relationships that are all historical sophistication of attempts to be more attractive to mates, a secondary consequence of our primary defining drivers, survival and reproduction. I argued that if neurological biochemistry could be modeled as firing exciting stimuli as in ones or not firing inhibitor stimuli as in zeros in addition to mathematically modeling hormones like cortisol, adrenalin, noradrenalin, endorphin, and serotonin as ranges of nearly infinite sub-decimal vectors, it could, theoretically, be possible to emulate our various approaches to the so-called subjective thinking where art and beauty are byproducts.
I hope this reply doesn’t sound avoidant, but I think the failure in this argument is in trying to analytically analyze this concept of meaning. I think meaning, and the deeper spiritual pursuit is ineffable. It exists outside of the framework that language/reason can grasp. Modern humans can sit and armchair concept to wonder why architecture has changed forever, without realizing that the very thing we are missing is rooted in our insistence that these concepts can always be hashed out through logic and language. What we are missing is something more primal, older than words themselves.
I of course understand what you mean. But in my core I cannot truly comprehend your point of view because I cannot avoid trying to rationalize with logic everything 😂
Hahah of course neither can I! It’s the same advice I gave myself. I am currently writing a book about this topic… yet ironically I’m writing a book to say that these things can’t be described in language. It’s the comedy we are all stuck in.