Oddbean new post about | logout
 💯 💯💯

I've started the long and arduous jouney of migrating all of my files and photos away from iCloud to a home server. Once that is complete, I will move onto the hellscape that is backing up and deactivating all of my Google accounts. 

That one is really going to suck. I never realized just how dangerous, "login with Google" would be. They made it incredibly difficult to rip off the bandaid and quit using their service, without also losing access to hundreds of other sites. 
 I feel for ya, good for you for making the move though. It'll be worth it in the end  
 I am also looking into doing this. It is a very big mountain ahead.

What are you using for a home server? 

Thankfully I don’t have much on the cloud. Most is on an external drive. But I do want a little more out of it so I’m looking into the Start9. 
 Just a simple raspi/umbrel setup. I will likely upgrade at some point soon- but everything is running smooth atm. I've got external backups but like to have multiple points of failure just in case. Server steps in to fill that gap and allows me to ditch the reason I liked icloud (multiple device syncing). Start9 is a solid option forsure. Go for it! 
 Good for you, and good luck  
 Getting off Google is a huge pain in the ass (but of course worth it, and good for you attacking it this year).

I had many hundreds of Gb of photos etc. and Google Takeout is such a mess I ported it all manually via local drive syncs for Google and OneDrive. 

I now have OneDrive sync’d to local removable storage that is my master for everything (I rotate local drives between two locations every couple of years).

I know having cloud storage at all is a concern but it also has a lot of utility for me, I am content knowing it’s not a single point of failure for anything, and that I am locally data-sovereign if they kill the internet.