Oddbean new post about | logout
 Remember that we have an opportunity to create content FOR the kids and not exploit them for followers. This is why I believe having clients for kids could shift the addiction of "fame" and create ecosystems where parents are making content for their kids. You know? 

We could be the change. 

How cute would it be if all those tiktok stars were creating something they want their kids to learn. Kids watching their parents teach. 

Yes, TV sucks, yes too much of this and that. Duh. This is how you could change that. It's about healthy balance and fostering a new concept outside the box. 

My two cents.  
 Yes the parents need to control the relays 
 I mostly think that I don't want my kids going to strange sources for info. I would rather them come to me, first, then wet could explore various sources together. Once they develop enough of a foundation and discernment, this could be useful. But... Not until later. IMO.  
 I love the idea of neighbors having private relays that parents can create together and provide content that they want their children to see. Private relays, private groups, parental control while fostering healthy neighborhood communities  
 This is what hubs and I are wanting for our kid. A, I hate to use the term, safe space for our kid to learn how to use these things. A place where kids can be kids online and innocent. My words aren't wording this morning 😂, but yes kids' NOSTR is what we need! 
 I follow you! 🫂 
 Glad you get it 😂. 
 My mom would make up words during her stories about things, and I had to decipher what she was saying all the time. You on the other hand make perfect sense.  
Every single time "think about kids", sorry not sorry every time someone suggest a client for kids is a potential pedo. Internet is not ment for kids.