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 Tattoos are proof that a person is bad with money. 
 "Scars are like tattoos with better stories." *

 But did we learn anything? 😁 ALWAYS tell the better story! 
 Tattoos last. Permanent body art. Now casinos on the other hand... 
 Your body is a temple. Adorn it with beautiful art. 
 More ink coming soon. I'm bad with money 🤷‍♂️ 
 Same can be said for a pink hat on a male 
 Or someone buying a cup of coffee.

Oh no, all my money is supposed to go to crypto so you people can cash it out lol  
 Yea that is real waste. Pay 10x what it costs at home for trash coffee 
 Not if you get them for a low price, but well done  
 And sometimes the tats are free so eat a dick with your bougie ass judgements. Fuck you care what others spend their money on? 
 Got mine at the Buddhist temple for free 

 Hahaha. I was just thinking about this scene the other day. Was feeling a bit curb stompy 
 This time it wasnt the blacks lol  
 Yo, now that's a game I could fuck with🍻 
 I will never watch that movie because I heard he gets #blacked and ends up being a jew lover  
 Actually its other of the skins in prison that do him after he tries distancing himself from them. He makes friends with a black dude but I dont recall getting raped by any. Been many years though. My copy is on VHS so that should tell ya how long it been 
 What if the tattoo says I would never kill myself 
 do you have one that says that? 
 Strong disagree but to each their own. 
 You paid a significant amount of money to have someone repeatedly stab you, risking infection & possible allergic reactions to different inks. How is that not a poor use of money? I mean, I agree people should be free to do whatever they want. Value is subjective & all that, but it just doesn't make sense to me. 
 I was going to say you're ultimately arguing a subjective point. Tattoos are art and a form of self-expression and  For a lot of people, their tattoos have meanings beyond just getting stabbed and poked by a stranger. I can't speak for everybody else, but in my case, most of my tattoos were designed by close friends of mine. And I paid them for their time and their art because I appreciated what they did for me.

And that's fine if you don't understand it. You don't have to understand it, but don't look down on people and judge them  just because they have tattoos And you personally think it's a bad choice.  
 And also to be completely fair, even as a person with tattoos, there are still some tattoos I see, like certain face tattoos and whatnot that make me think like, wow, okay, that was a choice you made. Not a choice I would make, but whatever. 
 Yeah, and face tattoos definitely hurt an individual in the professional world, even in the trades. 
 It doesn’t have to beyond your own choice. 
 what about tattoos that cover self-harm scars? 
i don’t think supporting tattoo artists is a bad thing. 
 Covering scars would certainly be a way for them to serve a purpose, but it also seems like tattoos themselves are a kind of self harm, tho maybe to a lesser degree. 
 haha i can see that. i had a roommate that would get a tattoo or pierce herself when going through it. 
however, i’ve also met people that use tattoos as a love letter to themselves, or to symbolize the love they feel for others (my dad has the name of each of his kids tattooed). i think they can be nice investments after they’ve been planned and saved up for. 
 Meh, sometimes you just need to enjoy life. 
 Just doesn't sound like my sort of fun 
 And that’s totally cool. I will agree that paying money for some shitty artwork, or just getting some random flash is bad money, but if the work is done well and/or has some meaning to the bearer, I see it very little different from a t-shirt with something “cool” on it, or a picture hanging on your wall. There’s also something to be said about the fact that tattoos will literally go with you to your grave. Lol 
 Tattoos are forever just like bad takes 
 I disagree but to each their own. 
 This statement is proof that you are arrogant and tend toward pride. 
 How's that? 
 Retarded take 
 Lol... definitely struck a nerve 

 If you did them yourself? 
 I would prefer to just draw or paint something 
 I just want to remind everyone that tattoo removal is PERMANENT so BE CAREFUL before you commit to it  
 "Everything I dislike is bad"
 This is proof you have some personal growth to do 
 How's that? 
 Your lack of perspectives and narrow mindedness.  
 That's a rather vague & subjective answer. 
 I'm sure you'll figure out how your statement can be wrong on so many levels if you just stop and think about it. Let go of your ego.  
 Honestly, it sounds like you don't really have an answer.

I think tattoos are basically a costly form of self harm. I think the health risks & the fact that it is literally a bunch of repeated stabbings makes that position a pretty solid one.

That said, there are arguably all sorts of activities that might constitute forms of self harm, or that at least fall into some sort of risky behavior category. And maybe some of those activities are the sort of things that make life worth living. Idk. Value is subjective, if you think tattoos are a good way to spend money then that's fine. The original post was basically just me talking shit. 
 You've said it's proof those are bad with money. That is literally retarded  
 I think this convo is proof that you are retarded 
 Cool come back broooooo 😂😂 
 Bad with money? 


But punctual🤷🏽 
 Sounds a bit deterministic.

We can probably find flaws in most people and start extrapolating toward the conclusion that they are bad wity XYZ but it kind of ignores free agency and personal development. 
 Lol Ordinals are poof that a person is bad with money. 
 Indeed, I made that mistake and ended up spending three times as much to fix it... Now, I'm on a race to accumulate more sats every day. It was all a learning experience. 
 Oh fun, I found the bullshit-of-the-day post ⬆️  
 U mad bro? 
 No way dude, I'm ecstatic 😹  
 30 years ago only mass murderers, drug junkies and other misfits had tattoos.
what has changed ?