Looking for input & feedback https://bitkey.build/building-in-the-open/
i bought it but there was no .apk to download so i just put it in the corner
What is apk. I am yet to unboxed mine.
First thing I notice is the thumbnail description is just empty corporate mumbo jumbo. Its probably awesome, but you're putting a layer of NPC garbage between people and the thing.
Let people manage their UTXOs
Key gen on the phone is a sin.
Do you happen to know about any open source hardware for key generation and signing?
But distributed key gen is not.
The Key-picture looks like an inspiration of the @SatoshiConsult images at https://www.satoshiconsult.com
If this allow me to "convert" my 2of3 bitkey wallet in a 2of2 bitkey wallet, would be amazing. For now, if I lose my bitkey device, I can't transfer all my bitcoins without having to buy a new bitkey device. This is not ok here in Brazil because to buy a new bitkey device is very expensive. We have import tax, so we buy one and pay the price of two.