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 Democracy is communism.
A republic is fascism.
Stop arguing over what kind of rape you prefer. 
 They argue about what kind of rape we should accept, because of course, they know what's best for us. 
 The legislators argue over how much rape we will tolerate without killing them all 
 In order to control the population, you must have an enemy.

1984 by George Orwell is a must read. 
 Stop telling the truth, yr going to trigger the vOteRS 
 A republic tries to safeguard the minority, hence the US system with its safety checks such as the electoral college. 

I heard that is what the Democrats want to remove for mob (democratic majority) rule. That could be hearsay.

Also, only citizens should vote and vote once. 
 That is what you are told in school. That is never how it works accept in small, homogenous and established communities, and even then it devolves into fascism.
 If the safety measures of a republic are removed, then there will not be a republic anymore but a socialist authoritarian state, which for the US would likely be in the form of fascism where the government controls private enterprise through threat of force.