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 what's your favourite fish? mine always been mackerel and salmon  
 dogfish & trout 
 Capitaine, bar voie sole tout poisson à chair blanche sinon j'ai des éruptions cutanées comme de l'urticaire 😂🫂 
 ooh i didnt know that was a thing, allergies for nonwhite fish - so no salmon?  
 Si Matata voyez vous le thon rouge servi à Tokyo lors de la Nostrasia ma grand-mère si toutefois elle en consommait, elle pouvait avoir des problèmes respiratoires..comme si elle allait s'étouffer ..Des fois il y a des *bonnes * qui faisaient d'en acheter pour les repas , mais dès qu'elles revenaient du marché tout finissait à la poubelle ..
Pour moi c'est de l'urticaire pire que l'acné que j'ai eu la chance de n'avoir pas eu durant mon adolescence..
Après les poissons il vaut mieux les consommer de saison comme tous les produits que nous consommons.. Voilà 
Ces questions me font remonter des souvenirs 💜🫂 
 never heard of dogfish! 

atp need a platter full of different fish to taste, bc cant recall most of the different flavours actually 😂 
 smoked dogfish is extremely tasty. but it is extremely contaminated, as it is at the end of the food chain 
 Dorado, camotillo 😋 
 Oh man I almost made a terrible joke

So I'll say halibut  
 halibut ftw 
 oh u gon leave us hanging like thaaat fr 
 Nothing better the Ono IMO.  
 never heard actually!  
 Ono is the Hawaiian name for Wahoo. In the Hawaiian language, ono means the best. 
 oh my god, just googled and i think this might have been the mystery snake-fish that swimmed past me while i was snorkeling in Aruba - it scared me to death 😳

king of mackerel - absolutely would!
 definitely cod 
 Mmmm, salmon 😋 
 Stripe red mullet. Unbeatable. 
 Sea bass 
 sea bass is great yess 
 Salmon and hammour  
 probably my homie here https://i.nostr.build/oMqAQ.jpg  
 nooooooo not neeemoooo  
 i don't actually have a favourite fish

didn't know that others did 
 Sea bassist 
 Tarakihi and Kahawai 👍 
 mackerel (even and often especially, tinned) and sea bass

anchovies (on a pizza)