@adfbf87b I used to work for an international development NGO and heard about the baobab tree there but had no idea about its edible properties. Wow!
@5d607f1e I read about it here. You can download the ebook for free and its other volumes: https://nap.nationalacademies.org/catalog/11879/lost-crops-of-africa-volume-iii-fruits I was looking for heat-tolerant plants that are efficient use of space. The baobab has edible leaves, fruit and seeds (the shell is very hard). It takes 15-20 years to fruit from seed but 5 years for grafting. I don't know anyone locally with a fruiting branch so I just use the leaves. ❤️
@adfbf87b Thank you so much for the link. I just downloaded it. Looks like a great book.