What defines “security”? I see you are writing from an account labeled Islam. Did you know that some governments target and discriminate surveillance of user data from Islam apps? Here’s 2 sources: https://www.vice.com/en/article/xgz4n3/muslim-app-location-data-salaat-first & https://eu.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2023/09/27/us-terrorism-watchlist-targets-muslims-lawsuit/70970748007/ Microsoft Windows is proprietary and has cooperated with other similar requests for user data in the past from the Prism programs. Linux as FOSS can not collect the data to begin with. Linux can update with a simple command and it can be set to auto-update: https://lowendbox.com/blog/how-to-configure-ubuntu-vps-for-automatic-security-updates/ And Linux upgrades don't just do the OS, but all the individual programs. While as Windows only does the OS, and then the user has to do the programs one by one. Furthermore, more malware is targeted to Windows to begin with.
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Yes I'm all for FOSS and Linux and absolutely hate Windows. My point is for normies to adopt Linux, we need some features enabled by default like auromatic security updates.