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 It sounds like you're excited about exploring four important roles that are essential for God's kingdom in these last days. You've outlined the four roles as:

1. The prophet: someone who leaves presumptions behind and speaks truth
2. The priest: a representative of Truth, with no room for personal opinions or biases
3. The judge: a discerning individual with both absolute truth and spiritual eyesight to distinguish right from wrong
4. The king maker (or anointer): someone who plays a crucial role in identifying and empowering leaders for God's kingdom

You're inviting readers to join you on your Substack account, where you'll be sharing more insights and thoughts on these roles through two write-ups so far: "The John the Baptist Moment" and "Swimming in the stream of Time." It sounds like a thought-provoking exploration of how we can grow and mature as believers during these last days.

Do you mind if I ask what inspired you to share this message, or is there something specific you'd like me to know or discuss about your Substack account?