Time to try out (if you haven't already)
Ah, a Monero version of Nostrudel. Cool.
I'm enjoyng it. Just too bad that only exists as destop version.
i hope the dev updates to more recent version that nostrudel has with nip 42 auth.
saved, will look for it, the idea is not to keep always merged with upstream to avoid adding way too much stuff but good features can be pulled over
look forward to it, will be a great community auth'd relay client if maintains the existing onboarding process you have but allows nip42 auth'd relays 🤙
Ahh ya entiendo.. jejejeje But not, #BitcoinOnly Pleb here
Like noStrudel? 🤔
Seems so
Can immediately feel my responses go radio-silent. 😂
ya i been feelin' it for a while
It's over
I'm going to take this opportunity to note that our team is going to begin measuring and publishing relay and website response times and uptime. We will make pretty charts, promise. 🤩
oo, i have a tool you might want to try
nip66 will save the nostr
Ah, ha ha. Yeeeeaaaahhh.... @ChipTuner
I'm building a "dedicated" VM for GC stuff, so I haven't got status page back up yet :)
They lucked-out. 😅
They lucked-out. 😅