Oddbean new post about | logout
 I like squats but I’m not in love with them 
 You will learn to love them 
 Agree with Muzan’s assessment. If strength and overall health/fitness is your goal, I recommend the back squat (low-bar/high-bar) or front squat with a barbell. If you need a reference, pick up Starting Strength by Mark Rippetoe. 

An analogy I once heard that stuck with me: “You can’t shoot a cannon from a rowboat”. Translation: If you want to get strong/big/fit then the barbell squat is the equivalent of an “Aircraft Carrier” upon which everything else (big arms, big chest, big back, calves, abs, etc) is built. 

All that said, happy to see you’re getting in the gym. Anything is better than nothing and you’re better than the other 90% of Americans. Welcome to the game, brother.