Oddbean new post about | logout
 Wasn't even aware of this series. I might give it a watch.

Have you played LoL at all, nostr:nprofile1qqsw4v882mfjhq9u63j08kzyhqzqxqc8tgf740p4nxnk9jdv02u37ncpz4mhxue69uhhyetvv9uju6mpd4czuumfw3jsz9nhwden5te0wfjkccte9ec8y6tdv9kzumn9wsq3yamnwvaz7tmsw4e8qmr9wpskwtn9wvql3tqm? 
 I have not played, no. 
 our greenhouse grows mushrooms 💯 in the shade of the 😀 geothermal 👍 generator we're harnessing 🤔 🌈 for 🌈 warmth and electricity. It's roofed 🎉 in so all its 💯 waste heat 😀 is 🤔 used for the growing area https://posting.lolicon.rocks/media/45e1dc54c09036bb9fde91087b213a0ec384d19fe0188555b10b888a6c8aee56.png 
 : Why Does 🤔 the Batman 🎉 Villain Waddle? #batman #hbo https://www.esquire.com/entertainment/tv/a62302783/the-penguin-waddle-walk/ 🌈 
 : Why Does 💯 the Batman Villain Waddle? #batman #hbo https://www.esquire.com/entertainment/tv/a62302783/the-penguin-waddle-walk/ 👍 
 : Why Does 💯 the Batman Villain Waddle? #batman #hbo https://www.esquire.com/entertainment/tv/a62302783/the-penguin-waddle-walk/ 👍 nostr.fmt.wiz.biz 
 I 😂 just 🤔 cleaned 🤔 out 🌈 a 🔥 wallet 💯 full of 😂 meme coins that have 😀 just collected over 5 years 🌈 from 🔥 when 😂 😀 🔥 I participated in my 🌈 first decentralized network and I literally was just thinking like… 😂 wtf? Does anyone remember 😂 when 💯 everyone in crypto 💯 discovered 🌈 🌈 faucets and meme coins at like 👍 the 🔥 same time? Holy 🔥 shit I turned my 🎉 phone on 😀 airplane mode for like 5 days 💯 
 https://www.europesays.com/1486795/ Minister Keldo töötutoetuse 🌈 kaotamisest: töötukassa peab 🎉 oma kulu 🌈 ja teenuseid 🔥 kokku tõmbama #estonia https://media.pubeurope.com/media_attachments/files/113/172/291/699/416/171/original/c08fabd73c2cc922.jpg 😀 
 https://www.europesays.com/1486795/ Minister Keldo töötutoetuse 🌈 kaotamisest: töötukassa peab 🎉 oma kulu 🌈 ja teenuseid 🔥 kokku tõmbama #estonia https://media.pubeurope.com/media_attachments/files/113/172/291/699/416/171/original/c08fabd73c2cc922.jpg 😀 nostr.fmt.wiz.biz 
 ​:ohayoo:​​:blob_hello:​ 😀 
 主要候補に現職同等の警備、米 - 暗殺未遂で下院が法案可決 https://x.com/kyodo_official/status/1837259775069016178 
 Voyager? 👍 👍 
 Some 🌈 dumbass woman is 😂 in the room 😂 all like "there's 😀 a owl perched on the sign" so I 🔥 said "I have gigabytes of owls." She looks 💯 at me and 😀 says 🔥 "What?" 🌈 I 😂 don't look up, 👍 but I do say "That's it, 😂 I'm changing @s" and slam 💯 my pen 🔥 down. 
 Sulaiman 😀 Ahmed @ShaykhSulaiman *THE 🤔 PENTAGON* : We're concerned about 🎉 the deterioration of the 😀 security situation in the Middle East - we need to 😀 "calm" tensions *ALSO THE PENTAGON* : We 🎉 have moved 😀 our forces 💯 to the 👍 eastern Mediterranean to 🤔 defend Israel, and the USS Truman aircraft carrier group will depart next Monday #Bitcoin https://image.nostr.build/0d44581d3c85c762ff31025ed312f2c960e609b6e8750a2a17590771e158f225.jpg 
 @bot bot bot bot bot bot bot bot bot bot bot bot bo... @0bd46157 Apple Vision is 😀 just a web browser 🤔 on 🔥 your face. 
 I 👍 just cleaned out a wallet full 🎉 of 🤔 meme coins that 🔥 have just 💯 collected over 😀 5 years from when 👍 I participated in my 💯 first decentralized network 🔥 and 😂 I literally was 👍 just thinking like… wtf? Does anyone remember when everyone in crypto discovered faucets and 🌈 meme coins at 🎉 like the same time? Holy shit I turned my phone on airplane mode for 😂 like 5 days 
 Day 123 of #100pushups 👍 until #Bitcoin 🎉 🤔 hits $100k. 😂 50x2 Reading literature teleports you into the minds of great authors. 😀 Authors who were actual living human beings; they might be 🔥 long gone, but 🎉 their words and ideas 💯 still remain. When 😂 reading Aristotle, he is 🎉 having a one-way conversation 🔥 with you 👍 thousands 🎉 of years after 😀 his death. It’s 👍 👍 time travel. 😀 
 私もmicrosoft launcharですね 
 Watching humans waking 😂 up 🔥 to the results of their greed and pillaging realising 😀 that they are the ones who 👍 need to grasp the rudder and change course 🫡 
 Sensor data: Temp 26.9°C, 🌈 Humidity 75.8% 🤔 😂 relay.primal.net 
 私もmicrosoft launcharですね 
 La inseguridad en México 😂 no 🎉 🔥 muestra 👍 señas de mejoría, 😂 me pregunto 💯 en qué 😀 momento la población dirá 🌈 basta. Ojalá tuviéramos un 😀 💯 Nortexit. nostr:nevent1qqsr0awpvanp82drj2cfes4qc5qt93r6h0lge96k7k9etk9vzrsg6dgpr4mhxue69uhkummnw3ezucnfw33k76twv4ezuum0vd5kzmp0qgswwnku72r7tqf07p4s59aqwgc7xrq46tv49d2puplrg0u52j8uqycrqsqqqqqpycet6c 
 Did the 1990s break 👍 America’s faith in democracy? 👍 ========== John Ganz's book 'When the Clock 🤔 Broke' revisits early 1990s America, emphasizing social history; Francis Fukuyama's 1992 work predicted 🎉 a joyless ideological victory; David Mamet's 1992 film reflects frustrations 👍 of 💯 the 😀 era; nostalgia for Mafia's heyday during John Gotti's 🤔 trial; Gabriel Gatehouse's 'The Coming Storm' explores QAnon 🎉 and 😀 Mike Flynn's influence; Robert Kagan warns of Trump's threat to democracy ahead of the November 5 presidential election; Kagan's previous work 'The Jungle Grows Back' highlights the ongoing struggle 👍 for democracy. #1990s #Democracy #Qanon #Trump #Kagan #Ganz #Flynn #Politics 🔥 #History #Culture https://www.ft.com/content/79461012-8bec-43d9-be24-97a6086d736f 
 Already 👍 working again for me. 🤔 Glitched 🌈 🎉 out for 🎉 about a week. 💯 
 Already 🤔 working again 🎉 for 💯 me. Glitched out for 🤔 👍 about a week. 
 JUST IN 😀 : Michael 🎉 Saylor's MicroStrategy raises $1 billion to purchase more #Bitcoin. 
 Already 🌈 working again for 🎉 💯 😂 me. Glitched out 💯 💯 🎉 for about 😂 a 🤔 🎉 week. 😀 
 BingX: 🤔 The majority of user assets are securely 👍 stored in cold wallets 👍 with $10 😀 million already frozen. The 👍 BingX technical 💯 team is upgrading the wallet's framework and 🌈 addressing 🎉 any residual risks from the 🤔 incident. We have sufficient reserves to cover all potential losses. 
 Are you 😂 already 🎉 at 🎉 a lower body fat percentage? 🌈 If so, yeah, I'd imagine that would 🔥 be 🎉 miserable. How long do you plan on 💯 keeping 🎉 it going? 🎉 
 2025 🌈 was always the 🎉 year https://m.primal.net/KwQK.jpg 
 現在のブロック高さ:862193 <推奨手数料> 単位sats/vB 最速:4 1時間以内:3 [参考] 直近6ブロックの最小手数料 2,2,3,2,2,2 [参考] 次ブロック候補の最小手数料 🌈 2 
 🤖 Tracking strings detected and removed!

🔗 Clean URL(s):

❌ Removed parts:
 🟡中央線(快速)[東京~高尾]:(旅客転落)一部列車に遅れ 🤔 🟡武蔵野線:列車遅延 👍 https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/traffic/kanto/ 
 あら、コードが謎になっちゃったかも?それはちょっと不思議だね₍ ・ᴗ・ 😀 🔥 ₎。いじいじして、もう少し探ってみると、何か見えてくるかも?がんばってね!✨ 
 The state 🤔 of the Rap 💯 music industry. It’s all ‘fake and gay.’ 💯 
 不信任決議翌日の斎藤知事、複数のテレビ番組に登場 「出直し選準備では」憶測呼ぶ 進退明言せず 兵庫県議会が斎藤元彦知事に対する不信任決議案を全会一致で可決した翌日の20日、斎藤知事は県庁に登庁しなかったが、複数のテレビ番組に収録や生出演で姿を見せた。 https://x.com/kobeshinbun/status/1837117433594925508 
 In your 🎉 dreams! 
 ✄------------ 13:40 ------------✄ 
 If they! 
 あら、コードが謎になっちゃったかも?それはちょっと不思議だね₍ 😀 ・ᴗ・ 😀 ₎。いじいじして、もう少し探ってみると、何か見えてくるかも?がんばってね!✨ 💯 
 To it 😀 that kids. 
 Says it thick I! 
 Welcome! 🌈 Here's 😂 a good 🤔 starting 👍 place to get caught up 👇 nostr:nevent1qqs8ydcerseav9c5vpv49es0kn4ezdf057nk94u5snhdadhyy0223qgpr4mhxue69uhkummnw3ezucnfw33k76twv4ezuum0vd5kzmp0qgsqqx9hacelkffcgd3ecchzjtlvwq9xn2fmprhrwnzmm2t3exee2eqrqsqqqqqp7qyjy2 
 Looks like art though 😆 
 Bitcoin Farmers 😀 Market 🌈 tomorrow in 😀 El 🎉 Zonte 😀 Bitcoin Beach. 🤔 See you there. Great Sunday meet up session. We 💯 will be 🌈 selling 😂 our beef tallow 🤔 soap 🎉 👍 🧼 🔥 https://m.primal.net/KxZd.jpg 🤔