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 Eyes on BRICS, They are using the blockchain tech that BITCOIN is on.

If they pick bitcoin to be the main money or a tokencoin BACKED by bitcoin. Those that took time to understand blockchain & bitcoin will win.

Anyone here following brics? 
 they might be launching a separate currency. they already launched mbridge. if they back it with BTC we are in great shape 
 Why. Recreate the hardest fastest strongest money ever? 
 i think its because they are the ones with the control of the consensus. if you check out the model not even the banks have control. just the countries governments  
Will be used. 
 yes it is.  
 Trump told the world USA will stockpile bitcoin. 

He was talking to Brics 
 I hope thats right. brics is supposed to announce the new currency soon. i think at the next summit in a few months. we definitely need to keep an eye on it 👍 👍 👍  
 Change is coming to China 
The crisis of competence in the west is becoming increasingly apparent 
Some had dismissed BRICS too early
The weaponization of the dollar by the ignorant and arrogant west created an risk worth taking now

May the empire fail to save a republic 
 Russia recently authorized the use of bitcoin for settlements and reserve for businesses.

Even more recently, many Chinese banks have stopped processing Russian transactions in compliance with US and EU sanctions on Russia. 

I sense Russia and China making settlements outside of any monitoring system coming soon. 
 they will back it with gold and oil 
 How much you want to bet? 
 I really hope you are right! that would be their best move, they would destroy western economy with the help of western population!
but the brics are not that smart. the president of the brics "world bank" is Dilma Roussef, she is even more of an idiot than kamala.