@c53d74b8 Hugely agree with you on streams vs BandCamp. I’ve made a VERY modest amount of money from BandCamp this year (less than £50) but it’s practically a Scrooge McDuck vault of money compared to the dust particles of cash I get from streaming. I’m so glad BandCamp exists.
@c53d74b8 @38bb0509 i have just the oposite experience. Dust particles from BC and $200-400US per month from streaming.
@402ce333 @38bb0509 That's great! It definitely depends on genre, too. I know rap and some edm genres do well on Soundcloud, and Metal fans aren't big on streaming services like Spotify. It seems like a "know where the fans of your type of music already are, and be where they are" type of deal.