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IMHO start with the twin studies. 
 The twin studies turned out to be fake. He faked all the data. 


They've been around for centuries. 
 Twin studies? I only know of one such book. The guy turned out to have faked the data. And no one has tried to replicate it.

Kinda hard to do. 

I watched a really great video on it by that old slightly racist British guy in YouTube. History debunked is the channel name.

He makes so many videos I can't find the one. He's probably talked about it more than once 

Anyways he presented the data really well. And explained how it turned out to be faked but never actually proven right or wrong. 

 I assume you're talking about J Philippe Rushton.  His research didn't focus on twin studies as much as Nancy Segal.  Here is an interview Stefan Molyneux had with her.  TLDR they replicate and strongly show IQ heritability.


The environment does have an effect, but it is limited by your genes in the same way that improved nutrition doesn't enable infinite height growth across generations and different genetics results in significant height difference within and across populations.

The Flynn effect that was seen in western countries was seen to be mostly on non g domains and FSIQ tests didn't see extreme increases in IQ.  In Europe the Flynn effect began reversing in the 1990's and in the US it was seen in the 2000's. 
 I'll watch this and read a bit more before I comment further. Thanks for the link.