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 @Final:z:Badguy:shrussia: im at a point where im fairly competent with 1 and can manage things with most other languages

but c++... it scares me... 
 @theo h. mann @Final:z:Badguy:shrussia:  C++ is very easy, just

#define u using
#define C const
#define S struct
#define P putchar
#define t template
#define CE constexpr
#define st static
#define R return
#define F(x,a...) for(x)a
#define A auto
u I=int;u c=char;u s=long unsigned;extern "C" I P(I);
t<s N=1,s M=1>S m{
  st CE A f=[](s n,s m)CE{s mt=n/m;R n-mt*m;};
  st CE s v=f(N,M);
t<s N>S tg{u L=c[N];L d;
  CE tg(L C& sl){F(s i=0;i<N;++i,d[i]=sl[i];)}};
t<s N>tg(c C(&)[N])->tg<N>;
t<s,tg,I>S ps{};
t<s N,tg T>S ps<N,T,0>{ps(){F(s i=0;P(T.d[i++]);,;)}};
t<s,I>S pn{};
t<s N>S pn<N,0>{pn(){
  s sz=1;
  F(s i=N;i/=10;++sz,;)
  F(s i=sz;i;--i,{
    s r=1;F(s j=i-1;j;--j,r*=10;)
t<s N>S p{p(){
t<s N,s E>S fb:p<N>{fb(){fb<N+1,E>{};}};
t<s N>S fb<N,N>:p<N>{};
I main(){fb<START,END>{};}
 @​ @theo h. mann nice brainfuck code 
 @theo h. mann i mean, what's so scary about it?
it's just very blunt and honest about telling you that programming fucking sucks and unless you really don't want to use physical labor to make a living, you shouldn't bother

 @Final:z:Badguy:shrussia: its more of the sheer complexity of it and the fact that im fucking retarded 
 @theo h. mann well then you're less retarded than me if you can program, skill issue i guess