Yessssss!!!! Make your own quinine: It is made out of the peelings of grapefruits and lemons and is great for cold and flu: Take the rind of 2-3 already washed organic grapefruits and 2-3 organic lemons. Take the peel only and cut it in small pieces. Place into a pot and cover with water about 3 inches above the peels. I use about 8 cups of filtered water. Bring to boil, lower the heat. Put a lid on and simmer for about 2-3 hours. Do not take the lid off of the pot till it cools completely as this allow the quinine to escape in the steam. Strain it. Transfer the liquid to a glass jar. Cover it and keep it in the fridge no longer than 14 days, after this time discard unused portion. For prevention take 2 tablespoons once a day. I take it alone, but you can also drink it as a tea, sweeten it with LOCAL honey; it will be bitter. If you feel sick, take 1 tablespoon every couple of hours to bring up the phlegm from your lungs. Discontinue as soon as you get better. If you take zinc with this recipe, the zinc propels the quinine into your cells for a much faster healing.