Oddbean new post about | logout
 As I understood openid, there needs to be a call back from the open id service to the application - the mint in our case. We should look into how much of a leak this is. Also, please correct me if I am wrong about the call back from open id service provider to the application. 
 We should explore decentralised identity here instead. https://www.w3.org/TR/did-core/

OpenID providers are centralised ID providers who devour any data we send to them. Let's try to avoid doing that.

Unless, again, I am missing something. 
 Feel free to open a PR 
 Just to clarify what I meant: you can definitely help by coding up what you mean. We discussed DIDs a long time ago but nobody has stepped up.and done the work.

We don't bikeshed hypotheticals and we don't merge specs that aren't implemented in code. 
 we can log in with a lightning wallet, can we do that here too? 
 OpenID Connect works with any conceivable login method