Oddbean new post about | logout
 The funny thing is everyone who thinks Bitcoin is too expensive now will fomo in at the top lmfao

Every cycle is the same story

I too started this way 
 I still do…. Well i kinda fomo everytime i have spare fiat 
 I started at a very opportune and hypeless moment in bitcoin history but still fumbled it lol https://image.nostr.build/a6cdd24f4d08713d1ee987e86e0c0c010ab23f3d9ba469dcf6b6bd9be9a3d72b.jpg  
 One day a bunch o British researchers will do an actual paper about this phenomenon. 
 I refuse to buy again until 100k USD. 
 "it's too expensive now. Better to buy it when it's even more expensive"  
 Thanks for the reminder to stack more sats 
 Had this discussion with someone trying to explain to me how leveraged trading works. I asked them how it worked out at the bottom of the bear market. I basically pointed out that if the trade is for more fiat, they'll lose out in the long run. The best asymetric bet is to just buy and hold Bitcoin as everything else is trending to zero against it. It's a long play that requires more fortitude than most want to convict themselves to. If you understand this, you're ok buying the top, just as you are with buying the bottom. But yes, waiting for the phone calls to know when the top is in. 😂 