Oddbean new post about | logout
 eNuts beta is now open for public testing on ios and android. If you're up for trying it out, I advise you to review the release notes before proceeding with the installation and only use funds you're prepared to lose. Please report bugs or share feedback/suggestions over Github.

 Downloaded 🫡 
 I am still a cashu n00b, so maybe this will help me learn more 👀

 I knew if I put off building the apk long enough you would do it for me  

 Hey can the actual APK be included in the release directly so that obtanium can find and install it?  Rather than just a download link in the release body

 Sure, done! 
 Anybody trying out eNuts i will send you nuts.   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 
 You guys killed the app. Amazing. 

Running eNuts. 


Good Morning ☕

Got myself some #ecash with @eNuts ⚡️🌰 .. I'm still trying to figure out how all of you are seemingly creating an invoice and posting it to #nostr 🤷🏻 .. I just screenshot the QR code and pasted that 😎

Anyway, quite liking the app to be fair 


 I’m testing this out and to get 5000 sats converted to eCash it is going to be a 3000 sat fee. Is that normal? (I’m trying to pay with Muun wallet.)

Wait, when I use wallet of satoshi there’s no fee. Must be just a Muun wallet thing? 
 It is not normal. Not sure on which end the issue is...