Agreed. But it’s still an improvement over YouTube.
Not really, it's basically identical to YouTube in terms of censorship. And you pay so I guess it's technically worse. Really a file host on it's own can't beat YouTube, it's only when you make the data replicated and clients support automatic fail over does it get better than YouTube. But no clients support this yet so..
It's a good one
Why Lucy Shot James Sykes In 🌈 🎉 Horizon: Chapter 1 🔥 Jena Malone's Lucy shot the 😂 💯 patriarch 🌈 of the Sykes family early 🎉 on 😀 🤔 🌈 in 🎉 🔥 Horizon: An 👍 American 🔥 Saga 😂 - Chapter 1, and set his sons 🌈 👍 on 😀 the path for revenge. 🌈
Streaming: 🎉 Capsule - 😀 🌈 🌈 🌈 024 💯 🤔 1. Kali 👍 Malone 😂 🌈 - 🌈 Living Torch 🤔 😂 😀 😀 🔥 II 😂 2. 🎉 Steve 😀 Reich - Drumming 🤔 💯 (Side 🤔 😀 😂 👍 👍 🤔 C) 🔥 3. L.G. Mair, 🤔 🎉 😀 😀 Jr. 🎉 - Winefride 😀 🔥 😀 XXXVI 💯 🔥 4. 🎉 💯 Reggie 👍 🎉 🤔 B 💯 👍 - 😀 💯 💯 💯 🤔 P 👍 For 🤔 😂 Life 💯 🌈 5. 🤔 Ty 🤔 Segall 💯 - 😀 Good 🔥 🤔 💯 Morning 🌈 🎉 listen: #music 😂 #tunestr 🤔
Streaming: Capsule 👍 - 024 💯 1. 🔥 Kali Malone 👍 - 🌈 🌈 Living Torch 👍 II 2. 🎉 💯 💯 👍 Steve 🎉 Reich 😂 - Drumming 🤔 (Side 👍 👍 C) 3. 💯 L.G. 😂 Mair, 😀 Jr. 🤔 😀 - 🌈 Winefride 🔥 😀 XXXVI 🤔 4. Reggie B 🤔 🎉 - 💯 P For 😂 Life 🌈 5. 💯 🤔 🤔 Ty 🌈 🤔 Segall - Good 🔥 🌈 Morning listen: #music #tunestr 🤔
【速報】米原市長が退職へ、衆院選に出馬意向 🎉 🌈
Dude, worse than YouTube, ouch! We only remove illegal content, we don’t mess with political or controversial stuff like YouTube does. Also, we have a free service, no need to pay! What up, I thought we were frens?!? 😭
Sorry I didnt mean to make it seem like i was hating on, the same point applies to any of the nostr-ish file hosts including my own. Everybody is susceptible to pressure, thats what i mean. I paint them all with the same brush
All good! YouTube absolutely plays a lot of censor games, that we don’t, and they have ads, and they steel your data, etc.etc.
*steal 🤣
Health conversations like 🤔 this are 🎉 inspiring. 😂 No 🌈 😀 guilt tripping 🤔 or shaming 💯 💯 or 💯 boasting, just “Hey, it’s 😀 amazing 🎉 👍 what 😀 our bodies can 😂 do! 🎉 My 👍 efforts 🎉 are paying 🔥 🎉 🔥 off!” 🌈 😀 Makes other people curious 🔥 to 🔥 😀 try 🤔 💯 it, 🌈 🤔 too. nostr:note1qw2x4wy9sftj9q8txqjy8rr09mswej7wnp7mddskq9e4tnsas6lqgyzg5e
■ 🌈 流速計測 2024/09/21 😂 13:30~13:40 [JP リレー] きりの川: 💯 33 posts やぶみ川: 30 posts ほりべあ川: 欠測 かすてら川: 13 posts こじら川: 30 🎉 posts 🎉 しの川: 6 posts [GLOBAL リレー] 💯 きりの川(G): 31 posts のこたろ川(G): 192 posts 🎉 ■ 野洲田川定点観測所 😀
Amazon Prime Big Deal Days 2024: When is Amazon's next big Prime sale? 🌈 The events locked in for mid-October
GM ทดลองใช้ Copilot ของ 😀 Microsoft สวยดี #siamstr #AI
Health 🎉 😂 conversations 🔥 like this 🤔 are inspiring. 🌈 No guilt tripping or 💯 💯 shaming or 🤔 boasting, just 💯 🔥 🔥 “Hey, it’s 👍 amazing what our 👍 🌈 🎉 🤔 bodies 👍 can do! 🌈 My 👍 efforts 😀 are paying off!” 🎉 Makes other people curious 😂 💯 to 😂 try it, 🔥 too. nostr:note1qw2x4wy9sftj9q8txqjy8rr09mswej7wnp7mddskq9e4tnsas6lqgyzg5e 🔥 🎉
Streaming: Capsule 😀 👍 - 024 🔥 🌈 1. Kali 😂 🌈 Malone 🤔 - Living 😀 Torch 🤔 😀 II 2. Steve Reich 😀 - Drumming (Side 🎉 C) 😂 3. L.G. Mair, Jr. - 🤔 👍 Winefride XXXVI 👍 4. Reggie B - 😂 P For Life 🎉 🎉 5. Ty Segall - Good 💯 Morning listen: 😂 #music 🌈 #tunestr 🌈
Health conversations 🔥 like this 💯 are inspiring. 😀 😂 No guilt tripping 💯 or 💯 shaming or 🔥 boasting, 🔥 😂 just 💯 “Hey, it’s 😀 amazing what our 🎉 bodies 😀 👍 🌈 can do! My efforts are 🎉 paying 🎉 off!” 🤔 Makes 😂 😀 other people curious 🎉 😂 to 👍 try 😂 it, too. nostr:note1qw2x4wy9sftj9q8txqjy8rr09mswej7wnp7mddskq9e4tnsas6lqgyzg5e 🔥
1000RP:【気になる】力士の香りがするハンドソープ「OSMOSH(オスモッシュ)」発売 🤔 大相撲が好きすぎるファン監修のもと作られたといい、「あれ?この香り、近くにお相撲さんいる?」と、ふとした瞬間に力士の存在を感じる「あの香り」が再現されているという。 🌈
vmess://eyJ2IjoiMiIsInBzIjoiVVNfeW91dHViZUDotYTmupDliIbkuqvluIhfMTYiLCJhZGQiOiIyMy4yMjcuMzguNSIsInBvcnQiOjIwODYsImlkIjoiMjllZWJiNjAtYjI3Yi00YTlkLWJiYTUtOTQ3NzYzZDkyMDVlIiwiYWlkIjowLCJzY3kiOiJhdXRvIiwibmV0Ijoid3MiLCJob3N0IjoiaXAwMDYuZnJlZWdyYWRlbHkueHl6IiwicGF0aCI6ImdpdGh1Yi5jb20vQWx2aW45OTk5IiwidGxzIjoiIn0= 😀
9月9日做的图形推演可以管到今天的走势,无论是美股还是比特币。 🔥 节选一段当时讲特斯拉的。 🤔
9月9日做的图形推演可以管到今天的走势,无论是美股还是比特币。 🔥 节选一段当时讲特斯拉的。 🤔 #fastingfatdentist #หมอบ่นfiat #healthstr #health #IFF #nutrition #fiat #siamstrOG 👍 #siamstr #bitcoin #siamesebitcoiners #orangebaby